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Henry Poydar henrypoydar

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# Build ...
$ tar -xvf libical-0.43.tar
$ cd libical-0.43
$ ./configure prefix=/usr/local
$ make
$ sudo make install
# Then follow these instructions to update the search paths in your project
namespace :heroku do
desc "Prepare and deploy the application to heroku"
task :deploy => ['heroku:deploy:default']
namespace :deploy do
task :default => ['assets:compile', 'assets:minify', :commit, :push, 'assets:cleanup']
desc "Commit pre-deployment changes"
ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-12 patchlevel 174) [x86_64-linux], MBARI 0x6770, Ruby Enterprise Edition 20090928
module SeleniumHelpers
# Execute JavaScript in the context of your Selenium window
def run_javascript(javascript)
driver.get_eval <<-JS
(function() {
with(this) {
" Vim color file
" Maintainer: Roman Gonzalez <romanandnreg at gmail dot com>
" Last Change: 2009 Aug 11
" Version: 0.0.1
" Screenshot:
" URL:
" For now this will only work on gvim
set background=dark
# Problem:
# * Driving webrat selenium features through Firefox on Snow Leopard fails.
# * Replacing the libsqlite3.dylib file no longer works with Firefox 3.5.6+
# * Driving via Safari also fails (for me)
# Solution
# * Replace the selenium-server.jar in the webrat gem with the latest standalone alpha version from OpenQA
# Rack middleware for serving individual javascript files
# from non-public directories to the Jammit asset packager
# when in test or development modes
# To use, add this line to the relevant (development)
# environment file:
# config.middleware.use 'JavascriptsHost'
We couldn’t find that file to show.
# Bundler doesn't seem to work with gems that have native extensions
# in 1.9.x unless they were installed beforehand. A problem when
# thinking about cloud deployments with fresh instances.
myapp$ rvm use system
=> Now using system ruby
myapp$ bundle install # Gems with native extensions are already installed for this ruby version
=> ... Your bundle is complete!
myapp$ rake
=> ... green