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Diego Hernandes hernandev

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hernandev / start.php
Created December 15, 2013 19:00
Ambientes do Laravel 4.1 por domínio
// Inicio do arquivo omitido
* Detectar domínio no Laravel 4.1 e aplicar o ambiente correspondente
$env = $app->detectEnvironment(function(){
class Foo extends Eloquent {
protected $table = 'foo';
public function Bar()
return $this->belongsTo('Bar');
class Foo extends Eloquent {
protected $table = 'foo';
public function Bar()
// Notice the bar class name now is lowercase
return $this->belongsTo('bar');
echo "Laravel Brasil";

My Validation Base Class

I was asked how I deal with validation / create and update validation rulesets. Well here is one method I have used. Don't be afraid to build on top of what the framework has already given you. In my projects I use a base class for almost anything. You never know when you want your classes to inherit some common functionality. My BaseValidator actually has some pretty useful methods and properties in it.


namespace FooProject\Internal\Validators;

use FooProject\Internal\Sanitizers\BaseSanitizer;
hernandev / CODECASTS.icls
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
<scheme name="CODECASTS" version="141" parent_scheme="Darcula">
<option name="LINE_SPACING" value="1.2" />
<option name="EDITOR_FONT_SIZE" value="16" />
<option name="CONSOLE_FONT_NAME" value="Menlo" />
<option name="CONSOLE_FONT_SIZE" value="14" />
<option name="EDITOR_FONT_NAME" value="Menlo" />
<option name="GUTTER_BACKGROUND" value="2b2b2b" />
<option name="LINE_NUMBERS_COLOR" value="3c3c3c" />
<option name="TEARLINE_COLOR" value="3c3c3c" />
# Mysql 5.7
image: ambientum/mysql:5.7
container_name: sandbox-mysql
- sandbox-mysql:/var/lib/mysql
- "3306:3306"
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class MeuModel extends Model
protected $dates = [
hernandev / docker-compose.yml
Created August 18, 2016 19:30
Vue Docker Compose
version: '2'
# Web server - For live reload and development
# This environment can be used to run npm and node
# commands as well
image: ambientum/node:6
command: node build/dev-server.js
hernandev / docker-compose.yml
Created August 19, 2016 19:18
Ambientum VueJS Development
version: '2'
# Web server - For live reload and development
# This environment can be used to run npm and node
# commands as well
image: ambientum/node:6
command: node build/dev-server.js