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user77 hexbinoct

  • Pakistan
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hexbinoct / abcd.cs
Last active November 4, 2016 10:36
class mainstructure
public List<c2> results;
public string status;
class c2
public List<address_component> address_components;
public string formatted_address;
hexbinoct / renaming file names and stuff
Created January 9, 2018 06:29
renaming file names
//code for renaming (padding) 5 parts file names:
static void Main(string[] args)
//list_none_5_parts(); return;
/* where ever this is , we have lots of files here, in the format
10-001-99-001, the 3rd section, which is 99, can have any number there
but whats imp is that it shud be composed of 3 digit length*/
string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory);
herdsize = input("Enter herd size:")
records = {} #initialize record where cow names and data will be stored
minimumdata = {} #record data which is below minimum yield
totaldays = 2
minimumyield = 5 #litres
def Processing():
for i in range(1,totaldays+1):
print("Day " +str(i) +":")
hexbinoct / gdrive_download.txt
Created June 16, 2018 09:13
download file from google drive using WGET (for linux console)
got the help from this link, good suggestions:
what worked for me:
what I got from google drive (shareable link) was this:
changed it to:
`wget --no-check-certificate '' -O FILENAME`
hexbinoct / code128visualbasic.vb
Created November 1, 2018 17:20
Visual Basic .net code to convert input to Code128 barcode font.
'taken from please visit their website for more information.
'code below is working fine in, original code was older version, before .net days I think.
'imp link
'type characters while declaring variables
'symbol Type Example
'% Integer Dim L%
'& Long Dim M&
'@ Decimal Const W@ = 37.5
public class InvoiceItems
public InvoiceItems()
public double Discount { get; set; }
public int InvoiceType { get; set; }
public string ItemCode { get; set; }
public string ItemName { get; set; }
hexbinoct /
Created October 28, 2020 09:25 — forked from lrvick/
Trolling Github's DMCA repo with their own security flaws.
hexbinoct / csvsplit.cs
Created November 17, 2020 07:34
Split csv line with commas and quotes in data
public static List<string> single_line_process2(string line)
List<string> lineparts = new List<string>();
List<char> this_section = new List<char>();
bool quoteson = false;
//Action<int> act = (int a) =>{ a = 6; };
Func<int, bool> islineend = (int i) => { return i >= line.Length - 1 ? true : false; };
Action<char> addtosection = (c) => { this_section.Add(c); };
in an mdi app, add 2 seperate forms form1 and form2, put a lable in form2, and Anchor it to bottom. start the app, show form1 as max, now show form2, because form1 was max, form2 will also show as max, you will see label in form2 at the correct place. Now, in code, goto the load event of form2, just type label1.Text="hi". Now run the app again, show form1 maximized, and now show form2, it will open maximized, but the anchoring of label will be disturbed, now its not where it was supposed to be, now its distance from top of the form is what it was in the designer.
Now if you move the statement label1.Text="hi" from form's Load event to Shown event, the anchoring bug is disappears.
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
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"statusBar.debuggingBackground": "#263238",
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"titleBar.activeForeground": "#afffff",
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"activityBar.background": "#101394"