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Dawid Karabin hinok

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AngularJS Directive Attribute Binding Explanation

When using directives, you often need to pass parameters to the directive. This can be done in several ways. The first 3 can be used whether scope is true or false. This is still a WIP, so validate for yourself.

  1. Raw Attribute Strings

    <div my-directive="some string" another-param="another string"></div>
// Support routines for automatically reporting user timing for common analytics platforms
// Currently supports Google Analytics, Boomerang and SOASTA mPulse
// In the case of boomerang, you will need to map the event names you want reported
// to timer names (for mPulse these need to be custom0, custom1, etc) using a global variable:
// rumMapping = {'aft': 'custom0'};
(function() {
var wtt = function(n, t, b) {
t = Math.round(t);
if (t >= 0 && t < 3600000) {
// Google Analytics
hinok / .zshrc
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07 — forked from SlexAxton/.zshrc
gifify() {
if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then
if [[ $2 == '--good' ]]; then
ffmpeg -i $1 -r 10 -vcodec png out-static-%05d.png
time convert -verbose +dither -layers Optimize -resize 600x600\> out-static*.png GIF:- | gifsicle --colors 128 --delay=5 --loop --optimize=3 --multifile - > $1.gif
rm out-static*.png
ffmpeg -i $1 -s 600x400 -pix_fmt rgb24 -r 10 -f gif - | gifsicle --optimize=3 --delay=3 > $1.gif

Launch Sublime Text 3 from the Mac OS X Terminal

Sublime Text 3 ships with a CLI called subl (why not "sublime", go figure). This utility is hidden in the following folder (assuming you installed Sublime in /Applications like normal folk. If this following line opens Sublime Text for you, then bingo, you're ready.

open /Applications/Sublime\

You can find more (official) details about subl here:
