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Kevin Downey hiredman

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(import '(java.nio ByteBuffer)
'( InetSocketAddress)
'(java.util.concurrent LinkedBlockingQueue)
'(java.nio.channels SelectionKey
'( Closeable)
'(clojure.lang PersistentQueue)
;; clj -J-Xmx32m -Sdeps '{:deps {org.jgroups/jgroups {:mvn/version "4.0.12.Final"}}}'
(defn server []
(let [channel (org.jgroups.JChannel.)
_ (.connect channel "clojure-eval")
_ (.setReceiver
(proxy [org.jgroups.ReceiverAdapter] []
(receive [msg-batch]
(doseq [msg (.array msg-batch)
hiredman / foo.clj
Created February 2, 2019 01:01
reflection boxing
(as-> clojure.lang.RT %
(.getDeclaredField % "checkSpecAsserts")
(doto % (.setAccessible true))
(.get % nil)
(doto % prn)
(if % :a :b))
(ns deployer
(:require [ :as deps]
[ :as reader]
[ :as io]
[clojure.string :as string])
(:import ( MessageDigest)
(com.jcraft.jsch JSch)
( URI)))
(def hex-alphabet (vec "0123456789ABCDEF"))
(defn inc-more [nums]
(if (first nums)
(cons (inc (first nums))
(inc-more (rest nums)))
(inc-more [1 2])
(if (first [1 2])
(cons (inc (first [1 2]))
hiredman / tco.txt
Created July 19, 2018 20:32
irc log about tail calls in clojure
2018:Jun:01:23:25:15< hiredman> the tail is the same in clojure and in scheme, but in scheme because tail calls look no
different from regular calls, and most of the time when testing you won't be using inputs large enough to exhaust your stack, you can easily be mistaken about when and where tco is happening
2018:Jun:01:23:26:03< hiredman> that function is not tail recursive, so no tco
2018:Jun:01:23:27:48< jaawerth> jjman: to clarify, for that to be a tail call, the add1* would have to wrap the other stuff rather than the other way around
2018:Jun:01:23:27:57< jjman> so how does racket does it if it is no tco? it let you grows your stack to all your available memory?
2018:Jun:01:23:28:11< hiredman> or until you hit some limit
2018:Jun:01:23:28:42< hiredman> I wouldn't be surprised if dr racket had some fancy gizmo to hilight non-tail recursive calls
2018:Jun:01:23:29:23< loli> racket has proper tail calls
2018:Jun:01:23:29:40< hiredman> no one said it didn't
2018:Jun:01:23:29:41< loli> often one builds a c
(defn optionFourWorkOut []
(println "Enter user name")
(let [use-input (read-line)
user-name-id (first
(for [x (range @customer-size)
:while (= (compare user-input (get (get customer-list x) 1)) 0)]
(get (get customer-list x) 0)))
user-product-id-and-quantity (vec (for [y (range @sales-size)
:while (= (compare user-name-id (get (get sales-list y) 1)) 0)]
(define (add1* l)
(let ((x (empty? l)))
(if x
(let ((m (first l))
(y (add1 m))
(n (rest l))
(z (add1* n)))
(cons y z)))))
#_ (
true;exec java -jar /home/kevin/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojure/1.7.0/clojure-1.7.0.jar $0
(let [pom-uber-jar (str ""
(.addURL @clojure.lang.Compiler/LOADER ( pom-uber-jar))
(require '[cemerick.pomegranate :as pom])
∵ dallben /tmp ∴ git clone ~/src/alacritty/
git clone ~/src/alacritty/
Cloning into 'alacritty'...
∵ dallben /tmp ∴ cd alacritty/
cd alacritty/
∵ dallben /tmp/alacritty ∴ git log --oneline | head -10
git log --oneline | head -10
03f9e0c Add install instructions via cargo --git
dddf664 Add info about default configuration for macOS