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slikts /
Last active May 17, 2024 16:39
Why using the `children` prop makes `React.memo()` not work

Why using the children prop makes React.memo() not work

I've recently ran into a pitfall of [React.memo()][memo] that seems generally overlooked; skimming over the top results in Google just finds it mentioned in passing in a [React issue][regit], but not in the [FAQ] or API [overview][react-api], and not in the articles that set out to explain React.memo() (at least the ones I looked at). The issue is specifically that nesting children defeats memoization, unless the children are just plain text. To give a simplified code example:

const Memoized = React.memo(({ children }) => (<div>{children}</div>));
// Won't ever re-render
// Will re-render every time; the memoization does nothing
// 1. App will pass a prop to Form
// 2. Form is going to pass a function down to button
// that closes over the prop it got from App
// 3. App is going to setState after mounting and pass
// a *new* prop to Form
// 4. Form passes a new function to Button, closing over
// the new prop
// 5. Button is going to ignore the new function, and fail to
// update the click handler, submitting with stale data
mono0926 /
Last active May 29, 2024 14:43
[転載] gitにおけるコミットログ/メッセージ例文集100
nownabe / .commit_template
Created July 5, 2016 06:54
# ==== Emojis ====
# 🐛 :bug: バグ修正
# 👍 :+1: 機能改善
# ✨ :sparkles: 部分的な機能追加
# 🎉 :tada: 盛大に祝うべき大きな機能追加
# ♻️ :recycle: リファクタリング
# 🚿 :shower: 不要な機能・使われなくなった機能の削除
# 💚 :green_heart: テストやCIの修正・改善
nulltask /
Last active September 13, 2020 09:08
Express / Socket.IO をスケールアウトしてみよう