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Matthaus Woolard hishnash

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class LockableModel(TimeStampedModel):
class Meta:
abstract = True
def get_exclusive_lock(self,
from contextlib import contextmanager
from django.db import transaction
from rest_framework.exceptions import APIException
class LockTakenException(APIException, OperationalError):
status_code = 423
default_detail = 'This item is currently locked by another request.'
client_code = 'ObjectLocked'
def ensure_atomic(func):
def exclusive_lock(method):
def wrapped_method(self, request, *args, document_pk=None, **kwargs):
document = self.assert_user_has_write_permission(document_pk)
document_state = self.get_document_state(document=document)
# currently there is no transaction,
# the context managers will create/release as needed
with document_state.get_exclusive_lock():
# we have exclusive access
_type: request
_uuid: 0848dc66-833e-4d98-8362-dda98ee319cd
bodyString: null
followRedirects: false
headers: []
ref: d289f99d-8886-443c-b7e8-1f55934837f0
redirectAuthorization: false
redirectMethod: false
sendCookies: true
from collections import deque
import psutil
from settings import settings
from collections import AsyncIterable
class AsyncIteratorWrapper(AsyncIterable):
def __init__(self, obj):
class TabSection(Directive):
has_content = True # this directive can have children
required_arguments = 1 # has 1 arg
optional_arguments = 0
# add a kwarg `keyworks` these are used for search
option_spec = {'keywords': directives.unchanged}
# we need a new line after the args before the child content
final_argument_whitespace = True
This is an example gist combining a few different source files from our build
licensed to be under MIT
copywrite: Matthaus Woolard 2016
import json
import os
'docutils.nodes.section': Section,
'docutils.nodes.paragraph': Paragraph,
'docutils.nodes.Text': Text,
'docutils.nodes.title': Title,
'docutils.nodes.compound': Compound,
'sphinx.addnodes.compact_paragraph': Paragraph,
'docutils.nodes.bullet_list': BulletList,
'docutils.nodes.definition_list': DefinitionList,
'docutils.nodes.enumerated_list': EnumeratedList,