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fcwt> connect
Connection esatablished (3)
[INFO] init_control_connection (socket 3)
[INFO] send hello
send: start(4098) [01:00:02:10 02:00:00:00 01:00:00:00]
receive 8 bytes [03:00:01:20 02:00:00:00]
send: two_part(4118) [01:00:16:10 03:00:00:00 01:DF:00:00]
send: two_part(4118) [02:00:16:10 03:00:00:00 05:00]
receive 8 bytes [03:00:01:20 03:00:00:00]
send: single_part(4117) [01:00:15:10 04:00:00:00 24:DF:00:00]
hkr /
Created September 12, 2019 03:45

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