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"guid": "urn:newsml:localhost:2017-01-25T11:08:47.727282:4606d534-535c-4efd-a5cb-204ba7e1aaac",
"slugline": "daily-mail-journalism",
"pubstatus": "usable",
"versioncreated": "2017-01-25T11:09:34+0000",
"headline": "Daily Mail proves again it is a newspaper apart from all others",
"description_html": "<p>The rest of the press grasps that the supreme court stood up for parliamentary sovereignty, but the Mail continues to assault the judiciary...<br><\/p>",
"description_text": "The rest of the press grasps that the supreme court stood up for parliamentary sovereignty, but the Mail continues to assault the judiciary...",
"service": [
hlmnrmr / superdesk-new-updated-story.json
Last active January 13, 2017 09:54
Updated story containing the reference to the original story via associations
"associations": {
"original_story": {
"guid": "urn:newsml:localhost:2017-01-12T13:09:45.790325:5876e7e6-7239-4614-b726-a8c2d5635751",
"type": "text"
hlmnrmr / superdesk-updated-story.json
Created January 13, 2017 09:01
JSON output of the update of a story
"urgency": 3,
"profile": "587661517300870100aa3b0f",
"description_text": "Mauris ut elementum dolor, eu efficitur nisi. Sed euismod aliquet nibh nec pharetra. Aenean sem ex, ultrices quis viverra at, consectetur non sapien.",
"guid": "urn:newsml:localhost:2017-01-12T13:13:45.017952:cb964013-a685-406a-9c5a-e7567865daa0",
"slugline": "cras urna",
"description_html": "<p>Mauris ut elementum dolor, eu efficitur nisi. Sed euismod aliquet nibh nec pharetra. Aenean sem ex, ultrices quis viverra at, consectetur non sapien.<\/p>",
"pubstatus": "usable",
"type": "text",
"service": [
"urgency": 3,
"profile": "587661517300870100aa3b0f",
"description_text": "Mauris ut elementum dolor, eu efficitur nisi. Sed euismod aliquet nibh nec pharetra. Aenean sem ex, ultrices quis viverra at, consectetur non sapien.",
"guid": "urn:newsml:localhost:2017-01-12T13:09:45.790325:5876e7e6-7239-4614-b726-a8c2d5635751",
"slugline": "cras urna",
"description_html": "<p>Mauris ut elementum dolor, eu efficitur nisi. Sed euismod aliquet nibh nec pharetra. Aenean sem ex, ultrices quis viverra at, consectetur non sapien.<\/p>",
"pubstatus": "usable",
"type": "text",
"service": [

Change Log

v1.4rc2 (2016-11-03)

Full Changelog

Merged pull requests:

  • fix(publish): allow email formatter #639
  • live suggestions implementation #609

Change Log

v1.4.0-rc.1 (2016-11-02)

Full Changelog

Merged pull requests:

  • fix(search-results) - Single item query is made to run once #1090
  • fix(monitoring) - schedule fetchNext to avoid multiple calls on scrol… #1085
  • fix(search-results) - Reverted the queryItems changes #1084
hlmnrmr / content-source-nitf.xml
Last active June 1, 2016 14:51
News item coming from a content source distributed in NITF format
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<nitf xmlns:iptc="" version="-//IPTC//DTD NITF 3.2//EN""October 10, 2003" change.time="19:30" baselang="no-NO">
<title>The Obama administration is pressuring the food industry to make foods from breads to sliced turkey less salty, proposing long-awaited sodium guidelines in an effort to prevent thousands of deaths each year from heart disease and stroke</title>
<meta name="subject" content="BC-US--FDA Guidelines-Salty Foods,3rd Ld-Writethru" />
<meta name="foldername" content="Notabene\Byråmottak\Alle byråer:Notabene\Byråmottak\AP (full feed):Notabene\Byråmottak\Alle nyheter (ikke sport)" />
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<meta name="NTBStikkord" content="BC-US--FDA Guidelines-Salty Foods,3rd Ld-Writethru" />
<meta name="NTBID" content="RED_2016-06-01_AP_140547" />
hlmnrmr / superdesk-ninjs-news-item.json
Last active June 1, 2016 14:50
Superdesk published news item in ninjs format
"guid": "tag:localhost:2016:f27a839c-c26a-4734-ad42-13b4f7cd11b6",
"version": "4",
"place": [
"country": "United States Of America",
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"world_region": "North America",
"state": "",
{"profile": "story", "subject": [{"code": "paasset:image", "name": "Image"}], "language": "en", "_id": "urn:newsml:localhost:2016-04-14T09:31:42.906766:5e5015b1-2324-45c4-96ca-28176fc38e99", "service": [{"code": "paservice:news", "name": "News"}], "slugline": "A Keyword", "priority": 6, "headline": "Publish Test", "body_html": "<p>Some text.</p>\n<!-- EMBED START Image {id: \"embedded8460337531\"} -->\n<figure><img src=\"\" alt=\"2015 Porsche 911 GT3 RS\" srcset=\" 360w, 720w,
{"profile": "story", "subject": [{"code": "patopic:Adventure", "name": "Adventure"}, {"code": "paasset:image", "name": "Image"}], "language": "en", "_id": "urn:newsml:localhost:2016-04-14T09:23:02.589157:d9d9a153-84e8-412d-8cd7-1584247ef12c", "service": [{"code": "paservice:news", "name": "News"}], "slugline": "US hiking trails 2", "priority": 6, "headline": "Top 10 long-distance hiking trails in the US", "body_html": "<!-- EMBED START Image {id: \"embedded2052921701\"} -->\n<figure><img src=\"\" alt=\"Pacific Crest Trail alttext\" srcset=\" 360w, 720w, https://superdesk-test-eu-