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### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am hobu on github.
* I am hobu ( on keybase.
* I have a public key whose fingerprint is 776F 7A23 F168 01DE 7897 8EC7 C015 A12D BFE1 B014
To claim this, I am signing this object:
hobu / pdal-lzma.hpp
Created July 12, 2016 13:58
#pragma once
#include <lzma.h>
#include <vector>
class LZMA
#include <json/json.h>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
#include <pdal/PointTable.hpp>
#include <pdal/PointView.hpp>
#include <pdal/LasWriter.hpp>
#include <pdal/BufferReader.hpp>
void ZipPoint::ConstructItems()
// construct the object that will hold a laszip point
// compute the point size
m_lz_point_size = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_zip->num_items; i++)
read -d '' pipeline <<"EOF"
"filename" : "/data/test/data/las/1.2-with-color.las",
"type" : "readers.las"
hobu / gist:177729da514266fdeb71e59a3a1146d6
Created December 15, 2016 05:11
PDAL oracle test procedure
docker pull sath89/oracle-12c
mkdir oracle
docker run -d \
-p 8080:8080 \
-p 1521:1521 \
-v `pwd`/oracle:/u01/app/oracle \
* ``slope`` controls the height threshold at each iteration. A slope of ``1.0``
represents a 1:1 or 45º.
* ``initial_distance`` is _intended_ to be set to account for z noise, so for a
flat surface if you have an uncertainty of around 15 cm, you set
``initial_distance`` large enough to not exclude these points from the ground.
set -- $(iostat)
read -d '' script <<"EOF"
import numpy as np
import numpy
import scipy.signal
def moving_average(ins,outs):

On Aug 4, 2017, at 11:01 AM, Martin Isenburg wrote:


I watched this nice video on how to download LiDAR from the USGS Earth Explorer.

But then I saw the moment that the files were downloaded and I was initially shocked to see that the LAZ file was hardly smaller than the winzipped LAS file. So I decided to investigate by following the steps in the video to download the exact same tile (see attached picture series).

hobu /
Created August 29, 2017 16:26
Copy from RequesterPays buckets to your bucket
import boto3
import argparse
import logging
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from functools import partial
resource = boto3.client('s3')
client = boto3.client('s3')