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anandrao at Anands-MBP in ~/pivotal/repos/bbl-az/concourse/concourse-bosh-deployment/cluster (master)
$ bosh deploy -d concourse concourse.yml \
-l ../versions.yml \
--vars-store cluster-creds.yml \
-o operations/basic-auth.yml \
-o operations/privileged-http.yml \
-o operations/privileged-https.yml \
-o operations/tls.yml \
-o operations/tls-vars.yml \
-o operations/web-network-extension.yml \
anandrao at Anands-MBP in ~/pivotal/repos/bbl-az/concourse/concourse-bosh-deployment/cluster (master)
$ bosh upload-stemcell --sha1 1d660dcbb51a1c80914fbb8c11173e640014f6c5 \\?v\=97.3
Using environment '' as client 'admin'
Task 9
Task 9 | 07:09:48 | Update stemcell: Downloading remote stemcell (00:00:15)
Task 9 | 07:10:03 | Update stemcell: Verifying remote stemcell (00:00:02)
Task 9 | 07:10:05 | Update stemcell: Extracting stemcell archive (00:00:04)
$ bosh deploy -d concourse concourse.yml \
-l ../versions.yml \
--vars-store cluster-creds.yml \
-o operations/basic-auth.yml \
-o operations/privileged-http.yml \
-o operations/privileged-https.yml \
-o operations/tls.yml \
-o operations/tls-vars.yml \
-o operations/web-network-extension.yml \
--var network_name=default \
honnuanand / gist:6c62f8e13f1134da9b0432d0750347fc
Created August 3, 2018 06:20
Azure Terraform storage initialization
anand@Azure:~$ #### Create Resource Group #####
anand@Azure:~$ az group create --name "araoc2sterraform" --location "WestUS"
"id": "/subscriptions/1da11b37-d598-4c13-8523-690756fd00ab/resourceGroups/araoc2sterraform",
"location": "westus",
"managedBy": null,
"name": "araoc2sterraform",
"properties": {
# Whether to allow SSH access to application instances
allow_app_ssh_access: true
# Change to anything other than 'wipe' to bypass the wipe-env job
arg_wipe: wipe
authentication_mode: internal
# If the azure_storage_account_name is empty "", ERT will use internal storage. If you want ERT to use Azure blob store, provide a valid storage account name.
azure_storage_account_name: CHANGEME #<--- This has to be created manually. Please see instructions on the blog
anandrao at Anands-MBP in ~/pivotal/repos/bosh-vmw/concourse/concourse-bosh-deployment/cluster (master●)
$ bosh deploy -d concourse concourse.yml \
-l ../versions.yml \
--vars-store cluster-creds.yml \
-o operations/basic-auth.yml \
-o operations/privileged-http.yml \
-o operations/privileged-https.yml \
-o operations/tls.yml \
-o operations/tls-vars.yml \
--var network_name=default \
anandrao at Anands-MBP in ~/pivotal/repos/bosh-vmw/concourse/concourse-bosh-deployment/cluster (master●)
$ bosh update-cloud-config ../../../cloud-config-dan-h.yml
Using environment '' as client 'admin'
+ azs:
+ - cloud_properties:
+ datacenters:
+ - clusters:
+ - Cluster-1:
+ resource_pool: RP-BBL
anandrao at Anands-MBP in ~/pivotal/repos/bosh-vmw
$ export BOSH_CLIENT=admin
export BOSH_CLIENT_SECRET=`bosh int ./creds.yml --path /admin_password`
export BOSH_CA_CERT=`bosh int ./creds.yml --path /default_ca/certificate`
anandrao at Anands-MBP in ~/pivotal/repos/bosh-vmw
$ bosh env
Using environment '' as client 'admin'
Name home
bosh create-env bosh-deployment/bosh.yml \
--state=state.json \
--vars-store=creds.yml \
-o bosh-deployment/vsphere/cpi.yml \
-o bosh-deployment/misc/dns.yml \
-v director_name=home \
-v internal_cidr= \
-v internal_gw= \
-v internal_ip= \
-v internal_dns='' \

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am honnuanand on github.
  • I am anandrao ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAkcUHGhEFORJZ3uv8tn3DiM1Jzb7HS0ddwIg87TeHg3Qo

To claim this, I am signing this object: