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9:15-10:15 The Next Ruby - Bruce Williams
10:15-11:15 Hidden Gems - James Edward Gray II
11:15-12:15 Ruby Best Practice Patterns - Rein Henrichs
12:15-1:30 Lunch
1:30-2:30 Javascript Frameworks with Ruby - Wynn Netherland
2:30-3:30 Grammer - Eric Mahurin
3:30-4:00 Break
4:00-5:00 Creating Desktop Applications With Ruby on Mac OS X - Brian Cooke
5:00-6:00 Ruby in the Cloud - Mike Subelsky
The 1492 "voyage of discovery" is, however, hardly all that is
at issue. In 1493 Columbus returned with an invasion force of
seventeen ships, appointed at his own request by the Spanish Crown to
install himself as "viceroy and governor of [the Caribbean islands]
and the mainland" of America, a position he held until
1500. Setting up shop on the large island he called Espa–ola (today
Haiti and the Dominican Republic), he promptly instituted policies of
slavery (encomiendo) and systematic extermination against the native
Taino population. Columbus's programs reduced Taino numbers from as
many as eight million at the outset of his regime to about three
Surly Steamroller 59 cm
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A Unique Build, I had the 1 inch Fork Threaded So You Could Use a True Track Stem if Desired, For Me It was Intended To be a Road Commuter So I Used The Nitto Technomic Stem So I could Get The Bars Up and Comfortable
Shimano Ultegra 1" Threaded Headset Sugino Mirror Polish Single Speed Road Crank 48
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96> Records = todo:get_todos().
[#todo{status = "moose",description = "cow"},
#todo{status = "sleepy",
description = "really need to go to bed"},
#todo{status = "upbeat",description = "going to get coffee"},
#todo{status = undefined,description = undefined},
#todo{status = today,description = "find my shoes"},
#todo{status = urgent,description = "Buy soap"},
#todo{status = "test",description = "this is a test"},
#todo{status = "tired",description = "going to bed"}]
handle("/todo/new", Req) ->
Params = Req:parse_post(),
Status = proplists:get_value("status", Params),
Description = proplists:get_value("description", Params),
todo:add_todo(Status, Description),
redirect_to(Req, "/");
handle("/json", Req) ->
Todos = todo:get_todos(),
ParsedTodos = [{X#todo.status, X#todo.description} || X <- Todos ],
server_test_() ->
{setup, fun() -> bare_bones_server3:start() end,
fun() -> bare_bones_server3:stop() end,
fun generate_bare_bones_tests/0}.
generate_bare_bones_tests() ->
def growl(message)
`growlnotify -m #{message}`
foo = ARGV[0]
if foo == "Hello John"
growl "Ruby" + foo
server_test_() ->
{setup, fun() -> bare_bones_server3:start() end,
fun(_) -> bare_bones_server3:stop() end,
fun generate_bare_bones_tests/0}.
generate_bare_bones_tests() ->
I once asked a ninety-two year old about his amazingly good health and longevity. He answered with a smile, "Simple - I never get angry and never harbor any negative feelings in my heart or brain. Therefore, my heart is sound, my digestive system is normal, and thank God, I don't know what a headache is." This particular individual had lived through poverty and several wars.
I pressed the point a little bit: "How can a person be as happy with the bad experiences in life as he can with the good?" Here's the reply I received:
Just remember three rules of thumb:
1. The Almighty runs the world;
2. The Almighty has infinite love for all of his creations;
3. The Almighty knows what's best for each one of us.
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/opt/local/bin:/usr/local/mysql-5.0.37-osx10.4-i686/bin:$PATH"