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hossameldeen / forkingPaths.elm
Last active March 5, 2016 14:07 — forked from dela3499/forkingPathGenerator.elm
Forking Paths in Elm
-- Initial code:
import Graphics.Element exposing (show)
import List
import Regex
import Dict exposing (Dict, foldl)
import String
import Random
import Array
import Set

This is a (partial, because I'm lazy) list of my environment and, more importantly, list of bugs/problems & their solutions.

My constraints/environment

I'm behind a work proxy. I'm on Windows-10 64-bits, enterprise edition.


I'm using outbash instead of bash to be able to call Windows programs from within bash. This feature should be in Microsoft's bash but seems like it's not implemented yet. Also, my current setup is basically this: For programs like git, maven: install them on Windows and call them from outbash using wcmd. Still haven't met the need to install programs on Windows-Linux subsystem.

This was written in response to:
People mix the predicate "If a directed graph is a tree, it's a DAG" with the proposition "For all directed graphs, if a directed graph is a tree, it's a DAG".
First, for simplification: let's assume we're talking here about all graphs in the world with up to 10 nodes to be able to enumerate them. Also, note that we're talking about directed, not undirected, graphs.
To prove the proposition "For all..." is true, which is "(For graph G1, if it's a tree, it's a DAG) AND (For graph G2, if it's a tree, it's a DAG) AND...", since it's ANDs, we need to prove (For graph G1, if...) is true and we need to prove (For graph G2, if...) is true, ... etc.