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import sys
import bpy
from math import pi, sin, cos, sqrt, atan2, fabs
import socket
rad2deg = 180/3.14159265
UDP_IP = ""
UDP_PORT = 4950
howiemnet /
Created March 7, 2017 07:14
Populate! a hacky, project-specific crowd animator
import bpy
import math
from bpy_extras import object_utils
from random import randint
from math import radians
howiemnet /
Created March 7, 2017 07:13
Populate! a hacky, project-specific crowd animator
import bpy
import math
from bpy_extras import object_utils
from random import randint
from math import radians
howiemnet /
Created January 27, 2017 15:18
Blender Screen hotkeys script
import bpy
class SetScreenLayout(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Switches to the screen layout of the given name."""
bl_label="Switch to Screen Layout"
def execute(self,context):[self.layoutNamme]
def invoke(self,context,event):
howiemnet / gist:b63f759c99475dcb347c6ee727995778
Created January 3, 2017 11:31
After Effects: expressions for Particular - particles from thrust
// apply this to the PoI of a spot light to point it in the direction of its acceleration vector
nextVec = transform.position.valueAtTime(time+0.08)-transform.position.valueAtTime(time);
prevVec = transform.position.valueAtTime(time)-transform.position.valueAtTime(time-0.08);
theVec = prevVec-nextVec;
theVec = theVec * 10;
theVec = theVec + transform.position;
// apply this to the Particles/sec parameter
prevVel = length(thisComp.layer("TEAL").transform.position.valueAtTime(time+0.04) - thisComp.layer("TEAL").transform.position.valueAtTime(time));
howiemnet / Spot_Flare_Brightness.js
Created December 7, 2016 06:02
After Effects Expression to control flare brightness from spotlight orientation
// AE expression to modulate a spotlight's flare brightness
// depending on whether the spot is facing into or away
// from the camera
// h 6/12/2016
// change these to reference your spotlight
// and camera as appropriate
L = thisComp.layer("Light 1");
C = thisComp.activeCamera;
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#define PIN 3
#define LEDCOUNT 23
#define SPEED 5
const uint8_t PROGMEM gamma[] = {
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
C = thisComp.layer("Camera");
V = C.toWorldVec([0,0,1]);
P = toWorld(anchorPoint);
lookAt(P, P + V);
import bpy
import math
from bpy_extras import object_utils
from random import randint
from math import radians
howiemnet / SerialPortLister.swift
Created August 17, 2015 06:27
Serial port lister for OS X in Swift
// GetSerialPortList.swift
// serialTestsIokitSwift
// Created by h on 17/08/2015.
// Copyright © 2015 h. All rights reserved.
// Simple function returns array of serial port
// paths as Strings