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tomasz przechlewski hrpunio

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# HTML to Blogger conversion script.
# Usage: file1 file2 file3... > import-file.xml
# The resulting file import-file.xml is Atom [ ]
# compatible and thus ready to be imported with
# Blogger import facility.
# It is assumed the following structure of each HTML file:
%% Rysowanie diagramow sciezkowych w programie MetaPost
%% *** (c) T.Przechlewski 2009 ***
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%
%% zmienna mierzalna:
ux := 1mm ; %% jednostka
rwd:=5ux; %% szerokosc prostokata
rht:=3ux; %% wysokosc prostokata
err:=4ux; %% dlugosc strzalki oznaczajacej blad
# Corrupt countries were more likely to support the OOXML document format
# Kirjoittaja: Kai Puolamäki, Syyskuu 5, 2007 - 08:22.
# Read in the data table:
B <- read.csv("")
# CPI indices of the countries that voted for approval:
capp <- B[![,"CPI"]) & (B[,"Vote"]=="Approval" |
# Generuje plik .fd dla maksymalnie o¶miu odmian kroju
# Por.
use Getopt::Long;
my $debug = 0;
# Compute time offset between digital camera time and GPS time (in seconds)
# Usage -f picture [ -t gps_display_time ] [ -o gps_offset ]
# Where: gps_display_time - gps_offset = gps_internal_time
# And: time_offset = gps_internal_time - $camera_time
# Use following format for time-related parameters:
# gps_display_time = hh:mm:ss ; gps_offset = seconds
# My GPS for example uses GMT internally and diplays local time.
# *** Zaladowanie pliku GPX do garmina ***
# Trasa z ma nieokreslona nazwe:
# <name>Gmaps Pedometer Route</name>
# Przed zaladowaniem nalezy to recznie poprawic bo inaczj sie zle
# wyswietla w Garminie
grep Pedometer $1 > /dev/null
if [ $? == 0 ] ; then
hrpunio / gist:1557215
Created January 3, 2012 22:11
Printing every paragraph at separate page vertically centered
%% every par is printed at separate page and centered vertically (Plain.tex)
\let \TruePar \par
\def\par{\TruePar \vfill \eject}
\topskip=0pt plus 1fill
Pierwszy akapit i~pierwsza strona
Drugi akapit i~druga strona
use Geo::Coordinates::DecimalDegrees;
my @dms = @ARGV ;
print STDERR "*** dms2decimal hr min sec ... hr/min/sec niekoniecznie sa liczbami calkowitymi....\n";
while (@dms) {
$deg = shift @dms ; $min = shift @dms ; $sec = shift @dms ;
printf "%f %f %f = %.6f\n", $deg, $min, $sec, dms2decimal($deg, $min, $sec);
# Usage: start-time stop-time file-in file-out
# where:
# start-time stop-time has the format: hh:mm:ss (hh,mm optional)
function cnt_sec () {
echo $1 | awk -F":" '{ if (NF>2) { sec += 60*60 * $(NF-2) } ;
if (NF>1) { sec += 60 * $(NF-1) } ;
if (NF>0) { sec += $NF } ; ## seconds
# Wysłanie 4 argumentów wywołania programu do arkusza na Google docs
import re
import sys
import time
import datetime
import gspread
# ===========================================================================