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constraint RegisteredPort for integer {
minimum 1024, maximum 49151
constraint HostPattern for string {
format "regex"
type ServiceAddress {
hostname: string {
"$id": "",
"$schema": "",
"description": "JSON schema for a sample Confer configuration",
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"conferd": {
Sep 21 14:47:48 windy systemd[1]: Starting Disables C6-state CPU state using
-- Subject: Unit zenstates.service has begun start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit zenstates.service has begun starting up.
Sep 21 14:47:48 windy[9529]: Disabling C6 state
Sep 21 14:47:48 windy[9530]: P0 - Enabled - FID = 80 - DID = 8 - VID = 32 - Ratio = 32.00 - vCore = 1.23750
Sep 21 14:47:48 windy[9530]: P1 - Enabled - FID = 8C - DID = A - VID = 50 - Ratio = 28.00 - vCore = 1.05000
Sep 21 14:47:48 windy[9530]: P2 - Enabled - FID = 7C - DID = 10 - VID = 68 - Ratio = 15.50 - vCore = 0.90000
static int read_line(void) {
/* States for read_line. */
enum read_line_state { NORM = 0, SPACE = 1, QUOTE = 2, BACKSLASH = 3 };
static bool eof = false;
/* Start out in mode SPACE to always strip leading spaces (even with -i). */
enum read_line_state state = SPACE; /* The type of character we last read. */
int prevc; /* The previous value of c. */
int quotc = 0; /* The last quote character read. */
int c = EOF;
bool first = true; /* true if reading first arg on line. */
static int read_line(void) {
/* States for read_line. */
enum read_line_state { NORM = 0, SPACE = 1, QUOTE = 2, BACKSLASH = 3 };
static bool eof = false;
/* Start out in mode SPACE to always strip leading spaces (even with -i). */
enum read_line_state state = SPACE; /* The type of character we last read. */
int prevc; /* The previous value of c. */
int quotc = 0; /* The last quote character read. */
int c = EOF;
bool first = true; /* true if reading first arg on line. */
hstefan /
Created April 22, 2016 04:17
Script for using Unity with Gvim
#!/usr/bin/env python
# use this for "External Tools/External Script Editor"
# "External Tools/External Script Editor Args" should be "$(File)" "$(Line)"
import sys
import os
import re
project = os.path.basename(os.getcwd())
#clear current rules
iptables -F
iptables -P INPUT DROP
iptables -P OUTPUT DROP
iptables -P FORWARD DROP
#allow ssh
int p1::compute()
//auto mult = [](int n) causes the compiler to not infer the type correctly and not compile
auto mult = [](int n) -> std::function<int(int)>
return [n] (int i) mutable {
return i * n;