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This guide is intended to provide resources for those wanting to help test Metropolis EIPs. The CPP team is currently in the middle of a migration from EthDocs to a documentation site that is more dedicated to CPP-Ethereum so the documentation on creating tests for Ethereum using testeth is scattered. Everything you will need to get started should be compiled below.

Suggested skill sets needed to create and run tests

  1. Ability to compile/build testeth and LLL compiler or run a docker file.
  2. Ability to understand the LLL Ethereum language.
  3. Ability to understand EIPs, particuarly [those that are going to be going into t
hugo-dc /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:18 — forked from jdavis/
def cons(x, y):
return lambda f: f(x, y)
def car(x):
# Fill out this function
if car(cons(1, 5)) == 1:
print 'Solved!'