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hsablonniere /
Created May 2, 2012 22:42
scrollIntoViewIfNeeded 4 everyone!!!

scrollIntoViewIfNeeded 4 everyone!!!

This gist provides a simple JavaScript implementation of the non-standard WebKit method scrollIntoViewIfNeeded that can be called on DOM elements.


Just use the code in index.js in your app or website. You can see usage in the test page test.html.

The parent element will only scroll if the element being called is out of the view. The boolean can force the element to be centered in the scrolling area.

* jQuery Double Tap
* Developer: Sergey Margaritov (
* License: MIT
* Date: 22.10.2013
* Based on jquery documentation
Introduction #1 (2 x 45)
About this course (45)
Frontend engineering introduction (45)
- web development is
- history
- current situation
- languages and platforms
- FE definition
- Job specific
- knowledge areas