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huyxdong / tmux-cheatsheet.markdown
Created December 21, 2021 02:01 — forked from MohamedAlaa/tmux-cheatsheet.markdown
tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

start new:


start new with session name:

tmux new -s myname
huyxdong /
Created June 21, 2022 02:19 — forked from bradtraversy/
Setup Ubuntu & Deploy MERN app

Linux Server Setup & MERN App Deployment

These are the steps to setup an Ubuntu server from scratch and deploy a MERN app with the PM2 process manager and Nginx. We are using Linode, but you could just as well use a different cloud provider or your own machine or VM.

Create an account at Linode

Click on Create Linode

Choose your server options (OS, region, etc)

SSH Keys

huyxdong /
Created August 2, 2022 06:02 — forked from bradtraversy/
Setup Webpack with Tailwind CSS

Webpack & Tailwind CSS Setup

Create your package.json

npm init -y

Create your src folder

Create a folder called src and add an empty index.js file. The code that webpack compiles goes in here including any Javascript modules and the main Tailwind file.

huyxdong /
Created August 2, 2022 06:06 — forked from bradtraversy/
Node app deploy with nginx & SSL

Node.js Deployment

Steps to deploy a Node.js app to DigitalOcean using PM2, NGINX as a reverse proxy and an SSL from LetsEncrypt

1. Sign up for Digital Ocean

If you use the referal link below, you get $10 free (1 or 2 months)

2. Create a droplet and log in via ssh

I will be using the root user, but would suggest creating a new user

huyxdong /
Created August 2, 2022 06:08 — forked from bradtraversy/
Online Resources For Web Developers (No Downloading)
huyxdong /
Created August 2, 2022 06:08 — forked from bradtraversy/
SSH & DevOps Crash Course Snippets

SSH Cheat Sheet

This sheet goes along with this SSH YouTube tutorial

Login via SSH with password (LOCAL SERVER)

$ ssh brad@

Create folder, file, install Apache (Just messing around)

$ mkdir test

$ cd test

Firebase Setup For House Marketplace

  1. Create Firebase Project
  2. Create "web" app within firebase to get config values"
  3. Install firebase in your project "npm i firebase
  4. Create a config file in your project
  5. Add authentication for email/password and Google
  6. Create a user from Firebase
  7. Enable Firestore
  8. Add rules for firestore
huyxdong /
Created September 28, 2023 15:31 — forked from sahilsk/
Apache Kafka Cheat Sheet

Kafka Cheat Sheet

Display Topic Information

$ --describe --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic beacon
Topic:beacon	PartitionCount:6	ReplicationFactor:1	Configs:
	Topic: beacon	Partition: 0	Leader: 1	Replicas: 1	Isr: 1
	Topic: beacon	Partition: 1	Leader: 1	Replicas: 1	Isr: 1
huyxdong /
Created October 9, 2023 21:34 — forked from bradtraversy/
Common Terminal Commands

Common Terminal Commands

Key Commands & Navigation

Before we look at some common commands, I just want to note a few keyboard commands that are very helpful:

  • Up Arrow: Will show your last command
  • Down Arrow: Will show your next command
  • Tab: Will auto-complete your command
  • Ctrl + L: Will clear the screen
huyxdong / typescript-crash.ts
Created October 9, 2023 21:35 — forked from bradtraversy/typescript-crash.ts
Basic intro to TypeScript (From YouTube Crash Course)
// Basic Types
let id: number = 5
let company: string = 'Traversy Media'
let isPublished: boolean = true
let x: any = 'Hello'
let ids: number[] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
let arr: any[] = [1, true, 'Hello']
// Tuple