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hyperking / image
Created March 25, 2014 18:20
Generate thumbnails from files in a directory using Python PILkit Library
import logging
import os
import pilkit.processors
import sys
import getopt
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageDraw, ImageOps
from pilkit.processors import Transpose, Adjust
from pilkit.utils import save_image
hyperking / Barrel Mixitup Url Filter
Created September 24, 2013 22:31
Using Barrel's MixitUp jquery filter to automatically filter based on url hash
onMixLoad: function(){
var hash = window.location.hash;
var noHash=hash.replace("#","");
$('#grid').mixitup('filter', noHash);
hyperking / Google form processor
Last active March 17, 2018 07:29
Converts google form into JSON form response object
var db = {}
var gf = _docs_flag_initialData['docs-seu'].replace('/edit','/formResponse');
var labels = [...document.querySelectorAll('.freebirdFormviewerViewItemsItemItem')];
var form = labels.forEach(function(elb,i){
//find labelname
var labelname = elb.querySelector('.freebirdFormviewerViewItemsItemItemTitle');
labelname = labelname.textContent;
db[labelname] = {};
hyperking /
Last active September 9, 2017 00:47
Jinja Custom extension for moving block content into the footer
from flask import Flask,render_template, render_template_string
from pprint import pprint
# create a new test.html file with the jinjaTemplateString below to view the issue.
jinjaTemplateString = '''
<html> <head></head> <body> <h1>Test template</h1>
{% push 'js' %} ABC {% endpush %}
{% push 'js' %} XYZ {% endpush %}
hyperking / Pelican Jinja Date Extension
Last active November 8, 2016 16:49
Pelican Jinja Date extension and conditional for comparing current datetime to object date.
This will format python datetime as a string to be used within jinja conditionals for comparing current date to article date using pelican app.
1. Create a file named
2. paste the following snippet
def convertdate(datetime, format='%a-%d-%m-%Y'):
3. Add the following line to your config file
var inputs = {};
var poststr = [];
var entryKey = $(this).attr('name');
var entryValue = $(this).parent().find('input[type="text"],textarea').first().val();
if(entryKey.indexOf('entry.') == false){
inputs[entryKey] = entryValue;
poststr.push(encodeURIComponent(entryKey) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(entryValue));
hyperking / Jinja splits
Created September 20, 2013 19:29
Split Key Value Pairs multiple times using jinja template
{% if article.productvariations %}
{% for category_groups in article.productvariations.split('|') %}
{% for category in category_groups.split('=') %}
{% if loop.first %}
<h1>{{ category }}</h1>
{% else %}
{% for list in category.split(',') %}
{% set itemvalues = list.split(':') %}
<li>{{ itemvalues[0] }} costs {{itemvalues [1]}}
hyperking / Jinja Key Value Pair Breakdown
Last active December 23, 2015 13:19
Jinja2 Key Value Spliter for Pelican meta data
# What I am attempting to do is split each key value pair groups down into smaller key value pairs spliting each at specified characters i.e:("=" "," ":" "|" )..etc. the characters used are arbitrary
# Example: Markdown metadata looks like this.
Title: Demo Product
date: 9-19-2013
productvariations: Sizes=Small:13.00,Med:33.00,Large:42.00|Colors=Red,Green,Blue
# We need to output the following as:
hyperking / Makefile
Last active December 23, 2015 13:09
Pelican Make file for multiple site generations using one command
hyperking / CRM designation parser
Last active November 9, 2015 14:25
How to structure BBCRM api designations response
CRMresponse = [{
"Values": ["Arboretum Development Fund", "Arboretum", "University of Hyper\\Ontario Agricultural College\\Arboretum", "7b5ced38-53f1-412d-8a2a-98b947f086db", "", "Arboretum Development Fund", "7b5ced38-53f1-412d-8a2a-98b947f086db"]
}, {
"Values": ["Dean's Innovation Fund", "College of Arts", "University of Hyper\\College of Arts", "1ea85925-c4a9-4c3e-81f5-228b21ab1ec8", "Focuses on meeting the overall needs of the College of Arts.", "College of Arts Dean's Innovation Fund", "1ea85925-c4a9-4c3e-81f5-228b21ab1ec8"]
}, {
"Values": ["College of Arts Student Assistance", "College of Arts", "University of Hyper\\College of Arts", "bc17fa75-16c6-4c6a-876c-ef0ba284ec6f", "", "College of Arts Student Assistance", "bc17fa75-16c6-4c6a-876c-ef0ba284ec6f"]
}, {
"Values": ["CBS Highest Priority", "College of Biological Science", "University of Hyper\\College of Biological Science", "0e0863fd-92e3-40e7-a832-0ca0afdaf850", "", "CBS Highest Priority", "0e0863fd-92e3-40e7-a832-0ca0afdaf850"]