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# Updated for python3.
# Launch a High Fidelity domain-server and set of assignment-clients,
# and collect their logs into separate text files.
# Ctrl-C can be used to shutdown
# the domain server and all assignment clients.
# TODO: the directories are hard coded, get them from environment variables instead.
//would you like to play a game
Agent.isAvatar = true;
// Avatar.position = {x: 551.673, y: 495.047, z: 502.903 } ;
//Avatar.orientation = { x: 0, y: 0.656725, z: 0, w: 0.75413 } ;
//var clipURL = "atp:1c8cf4f8aad18bc57ed6a1146681817056debb0b03d0fd07def8e178c8814ec7.hfr";
function someOperation(x) { }
function looped(array, op) {
var i, length = array.length;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
function mapped(array, op) {
"root": true,
"extends": "eslint:recommended",
"globals": {
"Account": false,
"AnimationCache": false,
"Assets": false,
"Audio": false,
"AudioDevice": false,
"AudioEffectOptions": false,
"use strict";
/* globals Xform */
// bakeAttachPoint.js
// examples
// Created by Anthony Thibault on 2016/06/30
// Copyright 2016 High Fidelity, Inc.
"use strict";
/* globals Xform */
// gestureRecorder.js
// examples
// Created by Anthony Thibault on 2016/06/30
// Copyright 2016 High Fidelity, Inc.
// Created by Triplelexx on 16/05/26
// Copyright 2016 High Fidelity, Inc.
// An entity that can be sat apon
// Sitting animations adapted by Triplelexx from version obtained from Mixamo
// Links provided to copies of original animations created by High Fidelity, Inc
// This is due to issues requiring use of overrideRoleAnimation to chain animations and not knowing a better way
// to reference them cross-platform.
// Created by Triplelexx on 16/05/26
// Copyright 2016 High Fidelity, Inc.
// Creates an entity that can be sat apon
// Sitting animations adapted by Triplelexx from version obtained from Mixamo
// Links provided to copies of original animations created by High Fidelity, Inc
// This is due to issues requiring use of overrideRoleAnimation to chain animations and not knowing a better way
// to reference them cross-platform.
var spawnPoint = Vec3.sum(MyAvatar.position, Vec3.multiply(4.0, Quat.getFront(Camera.getOrientation())));
var right = Vec3.cross(Quat.getFront(Camera.getOrientation()), Quat.getUp(Camera.getOrientation()));
spawnPoint = Vec3.sum(spawnPoint, Vec3.multiply(-1, right));
var MODEL_URL = "";
var overlays = [];
// this model should be 1/10th a meter tall, very small
var spawnPoint = Vec3.sum(MyAvatar.position, Vec3.multiply(1.5, Quat.getFront(Camera.getOrientation())));
var right = Vec3.cross(Quat.getFront(Camera.getOrientation()), Quat.getUp(Camera.getOrientation()));
var MODEL_URL = "";
var entities = [];
// create axes test object
type: "Model",