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go to and create an account. download the appropriate docker desktop installer for your computer and install
Then you will need to create a file called docker-compose.yml in some directory on your hard drive
hyrmn / 0_ColorBoxes.cs
Created September 22, 2021 05:18
Some algos to draw things from things. For all of these, Install-Package SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing -Version 1.0.0-beta11
using SixLabors.ImageSharp;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing;
var destWidth = 1920;
var destHeight = 1080;
using var image = new Image<Rgba32>(destWidth, destHeight);
hyrmn / LineCounter.cs
Last active September 10, 2021 21:09
Surprisingly slower
using System.Numerics;
namespace nlc;
public class LineCounter
public const int BufferSize = 128 * 1024;
private const byte rune = (byte)'\n';
private static readonly Vector<byte> mask = new(rune);
hyrmn / 00_OldReliable.cs
Last active October 10, 2021 00:42
Ways to swap numbers (.NET 6.0)
using System.Diagnostics;
int x = 10;
int y = 20;
var tmp = x;
x = y;
y = tmp;
Debug.Assert(x == 20);
hyrmn / why.cs
Created September 1, 2021 04:45
RSS + media thumbnail with XLinq and I don't know why
record Pan(string Style, decimal Price, string ProductUrl, string ThumbnailUrl)
public XElement ToRss(XNamespace mediaNs)
return new XElement("item",
new XElement("title", Style),
new XElement("description", $"Buy now for {Price}"),
new XElement("link", ProductUrl),
new XElement(mediaNs + "thumbnail", new XAttribute("url", ThumbnailUrl))
hyrmn / program.cs
Created March 5, 2021 20:01
File manipulation with ImageSharp
import the following nuget package:
> Install-Package SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing -Version 1.0.0-beta11
hyrmn /
Created July 1, 2020 04:17
Method groups are slower!!!!!!!!1
public void MapUserWithStaticMapper2()
    var users = new[]
        new User(1, "Bob Almighty", "Green", DateTimeOffset.Now),
        new User(2, "Alice Wunder", "Orange", DateTimeOffset.Now)

 var view = users.Select(u =&gt; UserSummary.MapFrom(u));
set-alias -name npp -value "${env:ProgramFiles}\Notepad++\notepad++.exe"
set-alias -name ed -value "code"
remove-item alias:curl -EA SilentlyContinue
$DefaultUser = 'hyrma'
# Chocolatey profile
$ChocolateyProfile = "$env:ChocolateyInstall\helpers\chocolateyProfile.psm1"
if (Test-Path($ChocolateyProfile)) {
Import-Module "$ChocolateyProfile"
hyrmn / hello.zig
Created January 27, 2020 03:41
Reading a file and counting carriage returns in Zig 0.5.x+master
const std = @import("std");
const os = std.os;
const fs = std.fs;
const File = std.fs.File;
pub fn main() !void {
const stdout = &;
//try stdout.print("Hello, {}!\n", .{"world"});
var file = try fs.openFileAbsolute("c:\\data\\bigsum.txt", File.OpenFlags{});
defer file.close();
hyrmn / netcore linecount
Created January 21, 2020 01:49
netcore 3.1. hardcoded to the location of a 1.6gb text file
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var count = 0;
using var reader = File.OpenText(@"C:\code\go\src\\hyrmn\lc\pkg\lc\testdata\bigsum.txt");
var buffer = new Span<char>(new char[1024]);
int readLength;