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iBasit / auto-html-no-css.php
Created October 6, 2011 20:01 - without css auto-html
// html url to the application
$api_url = '';
$api_key = '';
################## DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS ###################################
if (!$api_url)
die('missing vaules, please fill the configuration values and try again!');
iBasit /
Created October 6, 2011 20:14 - without css auto-html for - conflicting main. so unhiding the main
// html url to the application
$api_url = '';
$api_key = '';
################## DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS ###################################
if (!$api_url)
die('missing vaules, please fill the configuration values and try again!');
"orders_id": "0005181057",
"consignment_id": "a0005181057",
"customers_id": "0",
"customers_firstname": null,
"customers_lastname": null,
"customers_gender": null,
"customers_dob": "01/01/1900",
"customers_telephone": "111-111-111",
"customers_email_address": "anonymous",
<script type="text/javascript">
var _bsw = _bsw || [];
_bsw.push(['_bswId', '4d127e6d5d74be0e70b15e482e1cdda738cd157eb6a556d11fa1482bb14f6221']);
(function() {
var bsw = document.createElement('script'); bsw.type = 'text/javascript'; bsw.async = true;
bsw.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') + '';
var t = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; t.parentNode.insertBefore(bsw, t);
app.directive('mysubmit', function(){
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: '^form',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, formCtrl)
console.log('found it');
element.on('click', function(event)
console.log('submitting form')
"page": 1,
"limit": 20,
"pages": 1,
"total": 4,
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "\/app_dev.php\/api\/v1\/delivery\/track"
"first": {
"slug": "quasi-consequuntur-voluptatem-facere",
"title": "Quasi consequuntur voluptatem facere.",
"description": "Esse praesentium repellendus ratione nemo similique consequatur. Dolorum doloremque dicta accusamus praesentium illo et. Qui illum facilis aut consequatur ab quos. Expedita dolores autem quibusdam totam sed.",
"pickup_address": {
"id": 74,
"type": "pickup",
"first_name": "Jenifer",
"last_name": "Nader",
"business_name": null,
iBasit / polling-for-row-updates.js
Created February 22, 2016 01:20 — forked from PatrickJS/polling-for-row-updates.js
Polling for row updates
function getRowUpdates(row) {
var scrolls = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(document, 'scroll');
var rowVisibilities =
.map(function(scrollEvent) {
return row.isVisible(scrollEvent.offset);
var rowShows = rowrowVisibilities.filter(function(v) {
import {Platform} from 'ionic-framework/ionic';
import {Injectable} from "angular2/core";
declare let google:any;
import {Observable, ReplaySubject} from 'rxjs/Rx';
export class Map {
map: any;
each css class name is basically a color: #53533 coding
* parse the tajweed text
* @param quranBy
* @param object verseObject {surah: 2, ayah: 4, verse: 'verse text here..'}
* @returns {String}