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double perHourWeekday = 0;
double perMileWeekday= 0;
double perHourWeekend = 0;
double perMileWeekdend= 0;
double feeRunningMile = 0;
int freeRunningMiles = 0;
int minHours = 0;
int diff = 100;
"error": {
"root_cause": [
"type": "script_exception",
"reason": "Error evaluating pricing",
"script_stack": [],
"script": "",
"lang": "groovy"
pattern: ^/
anonymous: ~
switch_user: true
provider: user
facebook: "/login/check-facebook"
login_path: login
use_forward: false
* Returns the Response object associated to the acl action.
* @param int|string|null $id
* @param Request $request
* @return Response|RedirectResponse
* @throws AccessDeniedException If access is not granted.
* @throws NotFoundHttpException If the object does not exist or the ACL is not enabled
// Wrapper and base class
// Provide a static navbar from which we expand to create full-width, fixed, and
// other navbar variations.
.navbar {
position: relative;
padding: $navbar-padding-y $navbar-padding-x;
@include clearfix;
each css class name is basically a color: #53533 coding
* parse the tajweed text
* @param quranBy
* @param object verseObject {surah: 2, ayah: 4, verse: 'verse text here..'}
* @returns {String}
import {Platform} from 'ionic-framework/ionic';
import {Injectable} from "angular2/core";
declare let google:any;
import {Observable, ReplaySubject} from 'rxjs/Rx';
export class Map {
map: any;
iBasit / polling-for-row-updates.js
Created February 22, 2016 01:20 — forked from PatrickJS/polling-for-row-updates.js
Polling for row updates
function getRowUpdates(row) {
var scrolls = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(document, 'scroll');
var rowVisibilities =
.map(function(scrollEvent) {
return row.isVisible(scrollEvent.offset);
var rowShows = rowrowVisibilities.filter(function(v) {
"slug": "quasi-consequuntur-voluptatem-facere",
"title": "Quasi consequuntur voluptatem facere.",
"description": "Esse praesentium repellendus ratione nemo similique consequatur. Dolorum doloremque dicta accusamus praesentium illo et. Qui illum facilis aut consequatur ab quos. Expedita dolores autem quibusdam totam sed.",
"pickup_address": {
"id": 74,
"type": "pickup",
"first_name": "Jenifer",
"last_name": "Nader",
"business_name": null,
"page": 1,
"limit": 20,
"pages": 1,
"total": 4,
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "\/app_dev.php\/api\/v1\/delivery\/track"
"first": {