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Daniel Kennett iKenndac

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iKenndac / gist:943150
Created April 26, 2011 21:05 — forked from nevyn/gist:943107
wwdc labs questions
How do you store a JS function ref in a cocoa webkit plugin, that you can later call as a callback?
How do you properly draw on the title bar?
iKenndac / gist:2351239
Created April 10, 2012 13:07
Observing SPSearch with KVO
// In the header
@property (nonatomic, strong) SPSearch *search;
// In the implementation
@synthesize search;
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
iKenndac / gist:2367353
Created April 12, 2012 13:40
Simplifying the KVO'ing of the loaded property in CocoaLibSpotify
SPPlaylistContainer asynchronously loads a list of playlists. Once it has the list,
each playlist asynchronously loads metadata such as its name and track listing.
This can be a pain to observe with KVO, and firing NSNotifications every time a
property in this huge tree changes is absurd when KVO already provides this
functionality. To augment this, I suggest the following API.
iKenndac / gist:2368081
Created April 12, 2012 15:17
Waiting for multiple tiers to load in an object graph
This method uses a blocks-based callback mechanism to handle the async process in which
most objects in the CocoaLibSpotify pbject graph use.
This is an example of how to improve the method -waitAndFillTrackPool in the CocoaLibSpotify
"Guess The Intro" sample, which calls the same method repeatedly until enough loaded tracks
are found.
The code below waits until the session is loaded, then the userPlaylists list, then the
playlists themselves, then all of the tracks within those playlists. Once the tracks have
iKenndac / gist:d12b60f4e8c161c2066b
Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
Why does this crash in release but not debug?
struct __attribute__((__packed__)) EOSObjectAddedInfoEx {
uint32_t handle;
uint32_t storage_id;
uint32_t unknown2;
uint32_t unknown3;
uint32_t object_format;
uint32_t size;
uint32_t parent_id;
uint32_t unknown4;
private func loadArticle(folderURL: NSURL) -> HelpCentreArticle? {
let metadataURL = folderURL.URLByAppendingPathComponent(ArticleMetadataFileName)
if (!metadataURL.checkResourceIsReachableAndReturnError(nil)) {
return nil
let maybeMetadata = NSData(contentsOfURL: metadataURL)
guard let rawMetadata = maybeMetadata else {
return nil

iKenndac's podcast idea:

Each episode starts with a story, fact or popular issue, followed by some discussion on that story/fact/issue and how it can teach us lessons in modern development. Personal stories are best, or facts that can bring people in that have interesting and relevant experience.

Podcast episodes would likely need guests with expertise in that episode's field to be engaging.

Episode: What if it is actually life and death?

Story: Spotify town hall meetings and the hyperbole of the competition wanting to take away our families and children. Then, the story of the flickering radio cover art bug. Which one is actually more life-and-death — a start-up's competition, or a cover art flickering on a car screen?

func textField(_ textField: UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersIn range: NSRange, replacementString string: String) -> Bool {
if string.count == 0 { return true } //Backspace
if string.rangeOfCharacter(from: CharacterSet.decimalDigits.inverted) != nil { return false } // Non-numerics
return true


I attended WWDC this year, and overall it was a fantastic experience. I would, however, like to give some feedback on one particular aspect of the conference.

Before I begin, I understand that it would be easy to brush off my feedback as coming from just some grumpy English guy, but I genuinely believe this is important feedback. Please do read until the end.

I would like to ask that the cheering, whooping, clapping and hollering by conference staff is toned down.

I'm a person that would describe myself as "slightly introverted". I cannot begin to describe how deeply uncomfortable it was to walk into the registration room on Sunday to multiple employees cheering and clapping at me, trying to give me high fives. I understand the want to make people excited, but this needs to have its limits. During the conference, I got cheered and high-fived pretty much the entire week for things like: