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Michael Farr iMikie

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iMikie /
Last active July 9, 2019 17:29
Ruby Newbie: seeing invisible files in Macintosh

How do you reveal all those dot files like .bashrc and .profile?

To see the invisible files, i.e. .bashrc and .bash_aliases etc.

Open Terminal For OS X 10.9 Mavericks or 10.10 Yosemite, run this command (lower-case finder):

    $ defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE

For OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, 10.7, or 10.6, run this command (upper-case Finder):

iMikie /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
Ruby Newbie: installing new versions of Ruby

Ruby Versions

I recently started learning Ruby (2015) and one of the first things I ran into was not having the right version of Ruby installed. (Macintosh comes with Ruby but mine was an older version). How do I install a new version of Ruby? Will this mess my system up? Can I switch back? Evidently my fears are warrented and have lead to the rise of of the Package Manager.

Package Managers

Downloading and compiling sources, (or even just running programs on the 70's tech that is UNIX) requires multiple code libraries that each depend on different versions of the other is an impossibly mind numbing task. Enter the package manager.

MacPorts is one package manager, but I read a lot of posts and chose Homebrew. (Actually I'm running both, and have tried to careful about it but this is fraught with peril I'm told.) Using Homebrew you can download a Ruby version control system called rbenv. rbenv lets you switch back and forth between versions of Ruby at will and handles all the myria