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Created May 29, 2018 09:25
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Reporting Issue I had with fastai loading and saving of models related to this question:
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
## Dependencies
import sys, os
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline
from jupyterthemes import jtplot'chesterish', grid=False, ticks=False, )
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rcParams['image.interpolation'] = None
# Set ENV for PyTorch
os.environ["TORCH_HOME"] = "/modules/.torch"
os.environ["TORCH_MODEL_ZOO"] = "/modules/pretrnd_mdls_pytorch/"
from fastai.conv_learner import *
from fastai.dataset import *
from fastai.models import *
from fastai.transforms import *
from fastai.plots import *
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from scipy.stats import describe
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
## Utility Code
def savename(learn,proj_name=''):
out = f'{}-RGB-{}-epoch_{learn.sched.epoch}-val_loss_{np.round(np.array(learn.sched.val_losses).min(), 3)}'
print(f'File name for saving: {out}')
return out
def parse_csv_labels(fn, skip_header=True, cat_separator = ' '):
"""Parse filenames and label sets from a CSV file.
This method expects that the csv file at path :fn: has two columns. If it
has a header, :skip_header: should be set to True. The labels in the
label set are expected to be space separated.
fn: Path to a CSV file.
skip_header: A boolean flag indicating whether to skip the header.
a four-tuple of (
sorted image filenames,
a dictionary of filenames and corresponding labels,
a sorted set of unique labels,
a dictionary of labels to their corresponding index, which will
be one-hot encoded.
:param cat_separator: the separator for the categories column
df = pd.read_csv(fn, index_col=0, header=0 if skip_header else None, dtype=str)
fnames = df.index.values
df.iloc[:,0] = df.iloc[:,0].str.split(cat_separator)
return sorted(fnames), list(df.to_dict().values())[0]
def csv_source(folder, csv_file, skip_header=True, suffix='', continuous=False, **kwargs):
fnames,csv_labels = parse_csv_labels(csv_file, skip_header, **kwargs)
return dict_source(folder, fnames, csv_labels, suffix, continuous)
class ImageClassifierData_sep(ImageClassifierData):
def from_csv(cls, path, folder, csv_fname, bs=64, tfms=(None,None),
val_idxs=None, suffix='', test_name=None, continuous=False, skip_header=True, num_workers=8, **kwargs):
""" Read in images and their labels given as a CSV file.
This method should be used when training image labels are given in an CSV file as opposed to
sub-directories with label names.
path: a root path of the data (used for storing trained models, precomputed values, etc)
folder: a name of the folder in which training images are contained.
csv_fname: a name of the CSV file which contains target labels.
bs: batch size
tfms: transformations (for data augmentations). e.g. output of `tfms_from_model`
val_idxs: index of images to be used for validation. e.g. output of `get_cv_idxs`.
If None, default arguments to get_cv_idxs are used.
suffix: suffix to add to image names in CSV file (sometimes CSV only contains the file name without file
extension e.g. '.jpg' - in which case, you can set suffix as '.jpg')
test_name: a name of the folder which contains test images.
continuous: TODO
skip_header: skip the first row of the CSV file.
num_workers: number of workers
assert not (tfms[0] is None or tfms[1] is None), "please provide transformations for your train and validation sets"
assert not (os.path.isabs(folder)), "folder needs to be a relative path"
fnames,y,classes = csv_source(folder, csv_fname, skip_header, suffix, continuous=continuous, **kwargs)
return cls.from_names_and_array(path, fnames, y, classes, val_idxs, test_name,
num_workers=num_workers, suffix=suffix, tfms=tfms, bs=bs, continuous=continuous)
def evaluate(is_test=False):
log_preds,y = learn.TTA(is_test=is_test)
probs = np.mean(np.exp(log_preds),0)
print(f'TTA accuracy: {accuracy_np(probs, y)}')
preds = np.argmax(probs, axis=1)
cm = confusion_matrix(y, preds)
plot_confusion_matrix(cm, data.classes)
return preds, y, probs
## Path
PATH = Path('./data')
LABELS = Path(PATH/'training_upload.csv')
## 128x128
arch = resnet34
#aug_tfms = transforms_top_down
aug_tfms = [RandomRotateZoom(20, 2.0, 0.15, ps=[0.4, 0.3, 0.1, 0.2]), RandomLighting(0.1, 0.1), RandomDihedral()]
def get_data(sz, bs=bs):
tfms = tfms_from_model(arch, sz, aug_tfms=aug_tfms)
return ImageClassifierData_sep.from_csv(PATH, 'train_rgb_512', csv_fname=LABELS, tfms=tfms, suffix='.png', bs=bs, cat_separator=',', test_name='valid_rgb_512')
data = get_data(sz)
learn = ConvLearner.pretrained(arch, data, ps=ps, precompute=True)
denorm = data.trn_ds.denorm, 1, cycle_len=1, cycle_mult=2), 2, cycle_len=1, cycle_mult=2), 20)'rep_001')
## 256x256
sz = 256
learn.set_data(get_data(sz, bs=64))
learn.freeze(), 3, cycle_len=1, cycle_mult=3)
lrs = [lr/9, lr/3, lr]
learn.unfreeze(), 3, cycle_len=1, cycle_mult=3)'rep_002')
## 512x512
learn.set_data(get_data(sz, bs=64))
learn.freeze(), 3, cycle_len=1, cycle_mult=3)
learn.unfreeze(), 1, cycle_len=1, cycle_mult=3)'rep_003')
## 1024x1024
sz = 1024
bs = 24
ps = 0.3
arch = resnet34
aug_tfms = [RandomRotateZoom(20, 6.0, 0.15, ps=[0.4, 0.3, 0.1, 0.2]), RandomLighting(0.1, 0.1), RandomDihedral()]
def get_data(sz, bs=bs):
tfms = tfms_from_model(arch, sz, aug_tfms=aug_tfms)
return ImageClassifierData_sep.from_csv(PATH, 'train_rgb', csv_fname=LABELS, tfms=tfms, suffix='.png', bs=bs, cat_separator=',', test_name='valid_rgb')
data = get_data(sz)
denorm = data.trn_ds.denorm
learn = ConvLearner.pretrained(arch, data, ps=ps, precompute=True), 1)
lrs = [lr/0.9, lr/0.3, lr], 1)'rep_004')
## Now restart notebook, go to 1024x1024, re-initialized learner and try to load weights here:
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