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import PIL.Image
import pprint
get_float = lambda x: float(x[0]) / float(x[1])
def convert_to_degrees(value):
d = get_float(value[0])
m = get_float(value[1])
import gpxpy
import gpxpy.gpx
gpx_file = open('activity_1758925412.gpx', 'r')
vid_framerate = 30
vid_startframe = 9140
now = vid_startframe
vid_name = 'papawai-imgs-'
// ==UserScript==
// @name stream-automark-graded
// @namespace stream-automark-graded
// @include*grade*
// @version 1.1
// @author CMP / Creative Tech Wizards
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
var buttonAP = document.createElement("div");
// #164
// All two-part combinations of blue arcs from corners and sides, and blue straight, not straight, and broken lines.
size(600, 600);
for (int i =0; i<300; i++) {
arc(0, random(height), random(width), random(height*.5), random(0, PI), random(PI, TWO_PI));