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iain17 /
Last active September 19, 2022 09:43
Moving / Alive background

Add the following to your crontab (crontab -e): * * * * * /Users/iain17/

  • Create a file called (preferably in your home directory)
  • Set the right location of the file in your crontab.
  • Run the following command on the file, making it executable: chmod +x /Users/iain17/
  • Setup any fancy screenshot. I prefer this one: JohnCoates's Aerial screensaver
  • Now every minute the shell script should check if the screensaver process is running. If it isn't it'll start it in the background, using your desktop wallpaper as output.


iain17 / module.erl
Last active April 4, 2017 22:08
Erlang file example
% Defines the basic module
% Expose the example/1 function through the module
% Defines the actual mirror function, which returns the first argument
example(Anything) -> Anything.
iain17 / words.erl
Last active September 19, 2022 10:06
Write a function that uses recursion to return the number of words in a string.
%Assignment: Write a function that uses recursion to return the number of words in a string.
% If we send an empty list, return 0.
strlen([]) -> 0;
%Entry point for this module
strlen(Sentence) -> count(Sentence, 1).
%Base case. When its finally empty return the sum count.
count([], Count) -> Count;
iain17 / count.erl
Created April 5, 2017 11:29
Write a function that uses recursion to count to ten.
%Assignment: Write a function that uses recursion to count to ten.
to_ten() -> count(0).
% Base case
count(10) -> 10;
%keep on adding 1 untill you reach the above function
count(Value) -> count(Value + 1).
iain17 / print_err_success.erl
Created April 5, 2017 11:38
Write a function that uses matching to selectively print “success” or “error: message” given input of the form {error, Message} or success.
%Assignment: Write a function that uses matching to selectively print “success” or “error: message” given input of the form {error, Message} or success.
%Simple return Success String.
print(success) -> "Success";
%Error message. The '++' concatenates the two strings.
print({error, Message}) -> "Error: " ++ Message.
iain17 / key_lookup.erl
Created April 6, 2017 19:08
Assignment: Consider a list of keyword-value tuples, such as [{erlang, "a functional language"}, {ruby, "an OO language"}]. Write a function that accepts the list and a keyword and returns the associated value for the keyword.
- module(key_lookup).
- export([search/2]).
%Assignment: Consider a list of keyword-value tuples, such as [{erlang, "a functional language"}, {ruby, "an OO language"}]. Write a function that accepts the list and a keyword and returns the associated value for the keyword.
search(Key, List) -> do_search(Key, List).
%With the use of pattern matching we are able to have the do_search1 return once we
%hit the result.
do_search(Key, [{Key, Value}|_]) ->
io:fwrite("do_search1 Keyword(~p) Value(~p)\n", [Key, Value]),
iain17 / Bill.erl
Last active April 6, 2017 19:21
Assignment: Consider a shopping list that looks like [{item quantity price}, ...]. Write a list comprehension that builds a list of items of the form [{item total_price}, ...], where total_price is quantity times price.
[{"Beer", 2.50, 8}, {"Snacks", 1.99, 4}]


Service = spawn(fun translate_service:watch_loop/0).
Service ! new.
translate_service:translate(translator, "casa").
translate_service:translate(translator, "blanca").
translate_service:translate(translator, "incorrect").
translate_service:translate(translator, "casa").



Doctor = spawn(fun doctor_translate:watch/0).
Doctor ! new.

translate_service:translate(translator, "casa").
translate_service:translate(translator, "blanca").
iain17 / problem1.erl
Last active April 8, 2017 11:55
Project euler erlang problems.
%Assignment: If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23.
%Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.
solve() ->
solve(1, 0).
solve(Number, Sum) when Number == 1000 ->