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import boto3
import datetime
# Amazon Cognito User Pool Configs
LIMIT = 60
REGION = 'us-east-1'
USER_POOL_ID = 'us-east-1_aaaaaaaaa'
# Create boto3 CognitoIdentityProvider client
client = boto3.client('cognito-idp', REGION)
iaingray / redshift_safe_cast_functions.sql
Created June 19, 2019 12:19
Redshift utility functions
-- Collection of functions to safely cast data from one type to another
-- Cast a VARCHAR to an INT and return NULL if it doesn't match accepted regexp
-- Prevents ETL dying due to data quality errors
-- Purpose: This UDF takes a VARCHAR argument,
-- and returns an INT, or NULL if regexp doesn't match accepted format for INT
-- Internal dependencies: None
-- External dependencies: None

Byobu Commands

Level 0 Commands (Quick Start)

    <F2>                               Create a new window
    <F3>                               Go to the previous window
    <F4>                               Go to the next window
    exit                               Close the current window       

Level 1 Commands

iaingray / gist:c93f2fec991b575ff075
Created June 1, 2014 11:41
ruby convert to clean strings to utf-8
# Converting ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 based domain-specific guesses
if new_value.is_a? String
# Try it as UTF-8 directly
cleaned = new_value.dup.force_encoding('UTF-8')
unless cleaned.valid_encoding?
# Some of it might be old Windows code page
cleaned = new_value.encode( 'UTF-8', 'Windows-1252' )
new_value = cleaned

Make me a new CentOS linode


  • Instructions written for CentOS 6.3
  • Change, me, myhost, myip etc. to your username, hostname, ip address and so on.
  • Run all commands as root unless otherwise directed.
  • You might want to look at mounting /var and /home on separate partitions.
  • I've just allowed all members of the wheel group to operate as root. This is the height of laziness and highlights the fact that I'm just a developer that's stolen a sysadmin's
iaingray / tunnel-ssh
Created November 11, 2014 00:38
tunneling postgress over SSH in Ruby
#tunnel pg through ssh
#pg test
require 'pg'
require 'net/ssh/gateway'
gate =
{port: 22, key_data: ['PRIVATE_KEY( as string)'], keys_only: true}
iaingray / hashpii.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
hash PII
* hashpii.js
* @description Function to standardise and hash PII strings
* @author Various (see below)
* @license MIT / GPL v2
* Modifications:
* - Various (see below)
* Extends an object with addtional namespace nodes e.g. animals.birds.ducks.mallard
* @param base {Object} base object to be extended
* @param nodes {array} nodes to add
extendObject : function(base, nodes){
if(typeof base !== 'object' || !(nodes instanceof Array)){
throw new Error ('Incorrect parameters passed to extendObject');
iaingray / convert_ip_to_bigint.sql
Created June 5, 2014 01:12
Convert ip address to bigint in redshift
( LEFT(ip_address, STRPOS(ip_address, '.')-1) * 16777216) + (LEFT(SUBSTRING(ip_address, LEN(LEFT(ip_address, STRPOS(ip_address, '.')+1)), LEN(ip_address) - LEN(LEFT(ip_address, STRPOS(ip_address, '.')-1)) - LEN(LEFT(REVERSE(ip_address), STRPOS(REVERSE(ip_address), '.')-1)) - 2), STRPOS( SUBSTRING(ip_address, LEN(LEFT(ip_address, STRPOS(ip_address, '.')+1)), LEN(ip_address) - LEN(LEFT(ip_address, STRPOS(ip_address, '.')-1)) - LEN(LEFT(REVERSE(ip_address), STRPOS(REVERSE(ip_address), '.')-1)) - 2), '.')-1) * 65536) + (RIGHT( SUBSTRING(ip_address, LEN(LEFT(ip_address, STRPOS(ip_address, '.')+1)), LEN(ip_address) - LEN(LEFT(ip_address, STRPOS(ip_address, '.')-1)) - LEN(LEFT(REVERSE(ip_address), STRPOS(REVERSE(ip_address), '.')-1)) - 2), LEN(SUBSTRING(ip_address, LEN(LEFT(ip_address, STRPOS(ip_address, '.')+1)), LEN(ip_address) - LEN(LEFT(ip_address, STRPOS(ip_address, '.')-1)) - LEN(LEFT(REVERSE(ip_address), STRPOS(REVERSE(ip_address), '.')-1)) - 2)) - STRPOS(SUBSTRING(ip_address, LEN(LEFT(ip_address, STRPOS(ip_a
iaingray / remove_s3_underscores.rb
Created June 4, 2014 23:50
Script to remove leading underscores from s3 files, to allow them to be used in Hive
require 'fog'
require 'inifile'
INI_FILE = ENV['HOME']+'/.aws/config'
#details from command line
location = /^s3:\/\/(?<bucket>[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\/(?<folder>[\w-]*)\/?$/.match(ARGV[0])