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Boguslaw Mista iaintshine

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iaintshine / c_erlang
Created February 8, 2013 23:49
Comparison between C style for loop and Erlang on a sum function example
// C - style
int sum( int boundary )
int i, sum = 0;
for( i = 1; i <= boundary; i++ )
sum += 1;
#pragma once
template<typename T>
class Singleton
template<typename... Args>
T* GetInstance( Args... args )
iaintshine / echo.erl
Created February 13, 2013 01:17
Erlang echo example
go() ->
register(echo, spawn(echo, loop, [])),
echo ! { self(), hello },
{ _Pid, Msg } ->
io:format("~w~n", [Msg])
iaintshine / inheritance.hpp
Created February 24, 2013 14:50
Cross platform shit
#pragma once
// Abstract interface
class IFile
virtual ~IFile() = 0;
iaintshine / query.erl
Last active December 14, 2015 23:49
Query List Comprehesion compared to Active Record
fun() ->
qlc:q( [ { U#name, U#reputation } ||
U <- mnesia:table(users),
U#user.age < 21])
iaintshine / examples_controller.rb
Created April 25, 2013 22:47
Basic authentication only in production environment
class ExamplesController < ApplicationController
before_filter :authenticate_ip if Rails.env.production?
http_basic_authenticate_with :name => "login", :password => "pass" if Rails.env.production?
iaintshine / pretty_print.rb
Last active December 30, 2015 00:39
Rack middleware for pretty printing json responses and sample Rails usage
require 'rack'
module Rack
class PrettyPrint
def initialize(app, options = {})
@app, @options = app, options
def call(env)
status, headers, response =
package main
import (
iaintshine / palindrome.rb
Created August 13, 2014 16:14
A Ruby program which checks command line arguments if they are palindromes
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# palindrome.rb
module Palindrome
ALPHABET = ('a'..'z').to_a + ('A'..'Z').to_a
def palindrome?
normalized == normalized.reverse
iaintshine / boot.js
Created August 13, 2014 16:20 — forked from jdx/boot.js
// This script will boot app.js with the number of workers
// specified in WORKER_COUNT.
// The master will respond to SIGHUP, which will trigger
// restarting all the workers and reloading the app.
var cluster = require('cluster');
var workerCount = process.env.WORKER_COUNT || 2;
// Defines what each worker needs to run