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Dustan Kasten iamdustan

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Half-baked thoughts on React’s Incremental Reconciler

Both React’s incremental reconciler and Angular’s digest cycle have the property that additional work will be scheduled outside of the consumers control.

Arguably with React this has always been true and the incremental reconciler is simply another layer for scheduling work.

To date, React’s reconciler has been an implementation detail that I’ve never had to consider while developing applications. Neither have I ever heard someone

Half-baked thoughts on React’s Incremental Reconciler

Both React’s incremental reconciler and Angular’s digest cycle have the property that additional work will be scheduled outside of the consumers control.

Arguably with React this has always been true and the incremental reconciler is simply another layer for scheduling work.

To date, React’s reconciler has been an implementation detail that I’ve never had to consider while developing applications. Neither have I ever heard someone

React and the Train Schedule

Some random thoughts about the possibility of React joining the train schedule:


  • More frequent releases
  • Releases become a normal thing in the React community
  • Bug fixes and patches make it out faster
  • Facebook is no longer solely responsibly for stability; community can take a
/* @flow */
// let’s say these were defined in a different file and
// Child is not publicly exported. Can I reference the
// Child type precisely using standard dot.prop syntax?
type Child = (name:string) => {};
type T = {
child: Child;
/* @flow */
const React = require('react');
const ReactDOM = require('react-dom');
const {Component, PropTypes} = React;
type Props = typeof MyComponent.propTypes;
class MyComponent extends Component {
props: Props;
* File generated on 2015-01-01T00:00:00.000Z against
* @flow
/* eslint-disable */
import type {Action} from 'redux';
import {apiBase} from '../../../config';
"_args": [
"_from": "react-addons-css-transition-group@latest",
"_id": "react-addons-css-transition-group@15.0.1",
"_inCache": true,
if [ $1 == "help" ]; then
echo "what does david mean?"
echo "Example:"
echo ""
echo "$ whatdoesdavidmean mfw"
exit 0
* Automatically add `import expect from "must";` if it doesn’t exist in a
* given -test.js file
module.exoprts = function transformer(file, api) {
const j = api.jscodeshift;
const {expression, statement, statements} = j.template;
// ensure this is a test file
if (!/-test\.js$/.test(fileInfo.path)) {
iamdustan / index.js
Last active February 23, 2016 15:38
* in React Hardware
import React from 'react';
import ReactHardware from '../../src';
import {getPort} from '../port';
// import socket from '';
// config
// const io = socket(server);