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Beep boop

Eli Mallon iameli

Beep boop
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[1/4] Compiling C++ object MistInFLAC.p/src_input_input_flac.cpp.o
FAILED: MistInFLAC.p/src_input_input_flac.cpp.o
c++ -IMistInFLAC.p -I. -I.. -I../subprojects/mbedtls/include -Isubprojects/libsrtp/include -I../subprojects/libsrtp/include -Imist -fdiagnostics-color=always -Wall -Winvalid-pch -std=c++98 -O0 -g -funsigned-char -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -Wno-sign-compare -Wparentheses -Wno-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-strict-aliasing '-DAPPNAME="MistServer"' -DDEBUG=4 '-DRELEASE="Generic_aarch64"' '-DPACKAGE_VERSION="3.3-7-gdbafa808b"' -DSHM_DATASIZE=40 -DSTAT_CUTOFF=600 -DSTATS_DELAY=15 '-DUDP_API_HOST="localhost"' -DUDP_API_PORT=4242 -DSSL=1 -DUPDATER=1 -DHAVE_UPSTREAM_MBEDTLS_SRTP=0 -DWITH_DATACHANNELS '-DINPUTTYPE="input_flac.h"' -MD -MQ MistInFLAC.p/src_input_input_flac.cpp.o -MF MistInFLAC.p/src_input_input_flac.cpp.o.d -o MistInFLAC.p/src_input_input_flac.cpp.o -c ../src/input/input_flac.cpp
../src/input/input_flac.cpp:199:38: error: use of overloaded operator '=' is ambiguous (with operand types 'Value' and 'size_t'
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: catalyst
replicas: 1
type: Recreate
export default {
// The fetch handler is invoked when this worker receives a HTTP(S) request
// and should return a Response (optionally wrapped in a Promise)
async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
// You'll find it helpful to parse the request.url string into a URL object. Learn more at
const url = new URL(request.url);
const corsHeaders = {
"access-control-allow-origin": request.headers.get("origin"),
"access-control-allow-headers": "custom-header",
2023-08-24 19:58:40.466
[2023-08-24 19:58:40] livepeer-catalyst-api (1084787) INFO: I0824 19:58:40.465629 1084796 stream_buffer.go:58] Got STREAM_BUFFER trigger sessionId="9dd88aca-5d75-4981-9dd0-82a841b22064" payload={"StreamName":"videorec+d649rj83prk16y67","State":"RECOVER","Details":{"Tracks":{"audio_AAC_2ch_48000hz":{"codec":"AAC","kbits":156,"keys":{"frame_ms_max":21,"frame_ms_min":21,"frames_max":96,"frames_min":96,"ms_max":2048,"ms_min":2048}},"audio_opus_2ch_48000hz":{"codec":"opus","kbits":62,"keys":{"frame_ms_max":20,"frame_ms_min":20,"frames_max":103,"frames_min":103,"ms_max":2060,"ms_min":2060}},"video_H264_1280x720_30fps":{"codec":"H264","kbits":1104,"keys":{"frame_ms_max":33,"frame_ms_min":33,"frames_max":60,"frames_min":60,"ms_max":2000,"ms_min":2000},"fpks":30000,"height":720,"width":1280},"video_H264_1920x1080_60fps":{"codec":"H264","kbits":1670,"keys":{"frame_ms_max":16,"frame_ms_min":16,"frames_max":120,"frames_min":120,"ms_max":2000,"ms_min":2000},"fpks":60000,"height":1080,"width":1920}
> MistUtilRAX MstMetastream+64d3a3d32667b39508dd8965
RelAccX: 1 x 190061b @153 (#0 - #0)
Field bootmsoffset: int (8)
Field bufferwindow: uint (8)
Field live: uint (1)
Field maxkeepaway: uint (2)
Field minfragduration: uint (8)
Field resume: uint (1)
Field source: string (512)
iameli / app.js
Last active May 12, 2023 13:18
polyfill for running express app from a cloudflare worker
import express from "./express-poly";
import Router from "express/lib/router";
import cardcoreApp from "@cardcore/server/dist/router";
import creds from "./azure-sql.json";
import CosmosDB from "./cosmosdb";
import slackNotify from "./slack-notify";
import { v4 as uuid } from "uuid";
import { version } from "../version.json";
import pkg from "../package.json";
import stringify from "json-stable-stringify";
iameli /
Created February 21, 2023 00:33
ChatGPT inventing a language

Hi ChatGPT. Could you invent a new language for me? Come up with a name for it, as well as an explanation of its basic grammar and conjugation.

Certainly! I'll create a new language for you, which I'll call "LinguaNova." Here's an overview of its basic grammar and conjugation:

LinguaNova is a highly expressive and tonal language that has evolved from a mix of African, Asian and European languages. It is a highly inflected language, meaning that changes to the word itself, such as suffixes, prefixes or infixes, indicate changes in its grammatical role, tense, mood, and voice.

LinguaNova has 20 consonants and 8 vowels. In addition to the basic consonants and vowels, LinguaNova features four tones (high, low, rising, and falling) which can dramatically alter the meaning of a word. The language also features complex vowel harmonies that require careful attention to pronunciation.

LinguaNova has a complex system of grammatical cases, including the nominative, accusative, genitive, dative, and ablative, each

[1/327] Linking target test/logtest
[2/327] Linking target test/downloadertest
[3/327] Linking target test/websockettest
[4/327] Linking target test/resolvetest
[5/327] Linking target test/dtsc_sizing_test
[6/327] Linking target test/bitwritertest
[7/327] Linking target test/urireadertest
[8/327] Linking target test/jsontest
[9/327] Linking target test/streamstatustest
[10/327] Compiling C++ object MistAnalyserFLV.p/src_analysers_analyser.cpp.o
[1/647] Compiling C object subprojects/mbedtls/libmbedcrypto.dylib.p/library_aria.c.o
warning: unknown warning option '-Wno-stringop-overflow'; did you mean '-Wno-shift-overflow'? [-Wunknown-warning-option]
1 warning generated.
[2/647] Compiling C object subprojects/mbedtls/libmbedcrypto.dylib.p/library_blowfish.c.o
warning: unknown warning option '-Wno-stringop-overflow'; did you mean '-Wno-shift-overflow'? [-Wunknown-warning-option]
1 warning generated.
[3/647] Compiling C object subprojects/mbedtls/libmbedcrypto.dylib.p/library_aes.c.o
warning: unknown warning option '-Wno-stringop-overflow'; did you mean '-Wno-shift-overflow'? [-Wunknown-warning-option]
1 warning generated.
[4/647] Compiling C object subprojects/mbedtls/libmbedcrypto.dylib.p/library_aesni.c.o
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
deprecated.daemonset.template.generation: "1" base-core-dump-handler default
creationTimestamp: "2022-11-18T18:43:39Z"
generation: 1