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always do code

Farhan Ahmed iamrealfarhanbd

always do code
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#Exclude Files From Defer Js
You can follow the documentation from WP Rocket here -
##The FluentForms JS files are located in these two paths:
You can exclude them one by one or full JS folder.
// output = = true;
// output = iamfarhan09@gmail = false
// output = =true
//N.B: you have to replace all ids with your form id otherwise it will not work.
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery("#fluentform_36 button[type='submit']").attr('disabled', true);
jQuery('input#ff_36_email').on("change", function() {
add_action('fluentform_before_insert_submission', function ($insertData, $data, $form) {
if($form->id != 17) { // 17 is your form id. Change the 17 with your own login for ID
$redirectUrl = home_url(); // You can change the redirect url after successful login
if (get_current_user_id()) { // user already registered
'result' => [
// there are two way generate a link to logout
1. <a href="https://Yourdomain/wp-login.php?loggedout=true">Logout</a>
2. <a href="">Logout</a>
iamrealfarhanbd / Simple Image Slider with Button
Created April 30, 2022 09:34
Learn how to create a modal image gallery (lightbox) with CSS and JavaScript:-This is a a slideshow of images where if you click a button then the button will popup the one image then after press next button the image will start slide
.row > .column {
padding: 0 8px;
.row:after {
content: "";
display: table;
clear: both;
.column {
// Math summation on columns
var myClasses= "onecolumn, twocolumn, threecolumn"; //give your columns key, you can use multiple by using comma
var totalText = "Total: "; // you can change the 'Total' text here
var totalRecord = ` from ${tableConfig.init_config.rows.responseJSON.length} records` ; //Total Records Here
var myClasses= "index"; // column key
var notThis = [];
var singleClass = "ninja_clmn_nm_"+myClasses.trim();
jQuery('tbody tr').find(' .'+singleClass+'').each (function (index) {
$table.find('tbody' + ' .ninja_table_row_'+index +' .'+singleClass+'').append(`<span>${index+1}</span>`);
function checkIfElse() {
const orangeimageUrl = ""; /* Hier URL des orangen Pfeils einfügen */
const nextimageUrl = ""; /* Hier URL des blauen Pfeils einfügen */
if(jQuery('input[type="radio"]').is(':checked') || jQuery('input[type="range"]').is(':visible') ){
jQuery("button.ff-float-right.ff-btn.ff-btn-next.ff-btn-secondary").css("background-image", "url(" + orangeimageUrl + ")");
jQuery("button.ff-float-right.ff-btn.ff-btn-next.ff-btn-secondary").css("background-image", "url(" + nextimageUrl + ")");
add_filter('fluent_file_uploaded', function($uploadFile, $formData, $form) {
$url = $uploadFile['url'];
$uploadDir = str_replace('/', '\/', FLUENTFORM_UPLOAD_DIR.'/temp' );
$pattern = "/(?<=${uploadDir}\/).*$/";
preg_match($pattern, $url, $match);
if (!empty($match)) {
$file = str_replace($match[0], \FluentForm\App\Helpers\Protector::decrypt($match[0]), $url);
return $file ;