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iamskok / input.scss
Last active June 29, 2022 14:58
Generated by
$spacing-properties: (
"padding": "padding",
"margin": "margin",
) !default;
$spacing-directions: (
null: null,
"-top": "-top",
"-right": "-right",
"-bottom": "-bottom",
iamskok / gist:58fac9f48bdfb47a82283ddcef9269de
Last active February 26, 2024 04:24
MacOS development setup
Install brew `/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Update/upgrade brew `brew update && brew upgrade && brew cleanup && brew doctor`
Install apps with graphical interface `brew cask install visiual-studio-code sourcetree authy lastpass google-chrome chromium firefox opera postman spectacle telegram punto-switcher flux iterm2 notion skype raindropio 1clipboard sizzy alfred bartender iina lulu kap figma`
Install packages `brew install yarn nvm ccat tree github/gh/gh`
Create nvm dir `mkdir ~/.nvm` and export NVM paths in zshrc
Install ohmyzsh `sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"`
Install ohmyzsh plugins:
- zsh-completions `git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:=~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-completions`
- zsh-syntax-highlighting `git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlig
const employeeRegions = [
name: 'Mike',
age: 23,
title: 'engineer',
remote: false,
name: 'Liz',
iamskok / .zshrc
Created June 10, 2020 01:38
My .zshrc
# If you come from bash you might have to change your $PATH.
# export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:${PATH}
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:${PATH}
export PATH=${PATH}:/Users/admin/Library/Python/3.7/bin
# Path to your oh-my-zsh installation.
export ZSH="/Users/admin/.oh-my-zsh"
# Set name of the theme to load --- if set to "random", it will
# load a random theme each time oh-my-zsh is loaded, in which case,
iamskok /
Created January 9, 2020 07:10 — forked from swyxio/
Gatsby bootstrap lifecycle

Sequence of Gatsby's bootstrap lifecycle with links to source code as of v2.0.0

  1. open and validate gatsby-config (get-config-file.js) 1.5 load themes (swyx added this note July 2019)
  2. load plugins (load-plugins/index.js) from the list given in gatsby-config.js
  3. onPreBootstrap: runs onPreBootstrap if it is implemented in any plugins, for example gatsby-plugin-typography. Receives handy [apiCallArgs](
iamskok / gist:3a8bb96c5b2cfd0906e9f7922127c36a
Created December 8, 2019 21:01
Kill Node process on a specific port
lsof -nP -i4TCP:9000 | grep LISTEN
kill PID
iamskok /
Last active May 18, 2024 15:37
Notes on Shopify "Theme Development Certification"

Shopify Certification

  • aria-live="polite" is used for content which might get updated. Polite won't interupt.
  • a11y.js comes with Slate. Has trapFocus and removeTrapFocus methods.
  • URL mapping
  • The {{ content_for_header }} variable must be placed between the opening and closing <head> tag. It inserts the necessary Shopify scripts into the <head> which includes scripts for Google Analytics, Shopify analytics, for Shopify apps, and more.
  • The {{ content_for_layout }} variable must be placed between the opening and closing <body> tag. It outputs dynamic content generated by all of the other templates (index.liquid, product.liquid, and so on).
  • t filter is used to pull translation from locales/ru.json
  • In tags with more than one and or or operator, operators are checked in order from right to left. You cannot change the order of operations using parentheses — parentheses are invalid characters in Liquid and will preven
/** @jsx jsx */
import { jsx } from 'theme-ui'
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import Image from 'gatsby-image'
import { getFluidImageObject } from 'gatsby-transformer-cloudinary'
export default () => {
const [fluid, setFluid] = useState(false)
useEffect(() => {
iamskok /
Created September 24, 2019 17:31
CSS in JS Resources
iamskok / cloudSettings
Last active July 1, 2020 19:29
Visual Studio Code Settings