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This list was prompted in discussion with someone who felt slighted that I did not view them as a
team member, so I wanted to create a somewhat concrete definition.
The purpose is not to draw up division between people but rather to express the aspects of an
individual whom you might consider and rely on as part of a team, to accomplish a specific goal;
in the context of a software development project.
Dictionary Definition: A person belonging to a specific group of people involved in attempting to
achieve a common goal.
ianakelly / gist:465d86b880154eeca85d
Created June 16, 2014 14:15
Taylorism - "Beat Practices"
The managers assume, for instance, the burden of gathering together all of the traditional knowledge
which in the past has been possessed by the workmen and then of classifying,
tabulating, and reducing this knowledge to rules, laws, and formulæ which are
immensely helpful to the workmen in doing their daily work.
In addition to developing a science in this way, the management take on three other types of
duties which involve new and heavy burdens for themselves.
These new duties are grouped under four heads:
ianakelly /
Last active June 14, 2016 19:29
How did I end up with these books?

The Back Story...

After posting the picture on Twitter of the books received I wanted to give some background to offer one person's experience with internal incubation processes at a Fortune 500 Software Company (from now on referred to as The Company).


A few months back there were all sorts of ideas swirling on how to enable a culture of learning and experimentation at The Company, there were so many bright spots and research driven ideas for the development of new products but we desperately needed a vehicle (Funding, People ready to join the cause, and all the other impediments to starting new things at a big software company).

Having started up two off Brand products formerly and one new product at The Company I have run the gauntlet of incubating solo (or what feels like solo) and I have some scars so I was ready with a healthy dose of skepticism when I heard about our incubation accel

I like 29.2 Million others as of 2/11/16 watched 1,000 individual contributors play one song together. See the Rockin 1000 here It might not be your favorite song, or even the best song by the Foo Fighters, maybe you don't even like music; but when you watch this you can see the joy created when we accomplish things together. If you have not watched it yet and you are just reading take a few minutes to watch and take it in.

Did you see the passion, the pride, the FUN! I did!

The purpose of the video was a plea for the Foo Fighters to come to Italy and put on a concert - I have no proof but I bet the 1,000 participants had more fun doing this than attending the concert.

Most of my experiences start me to thinking about software, teams, Agile, and DevOps. We get so balled up in trying to compose the best music (Architecture), the cadence of what we will play (Sprints and Ceremonies), the rules of the instruments (roles and responsibilities) and the minutia of be

Page 18 "I call this" Was expecting "We call this" as its written by multiple people and their is not a call out for whom the author is in the chapter.
Chapter 2 is Missing any treatment of leveraging microservices to support a polyglot implementations vs standarization. This is one of the powerful reasons for Microservices, the ability for the team who owns the service to make their own decitions about the implemntation and since all consumers consume the API interface none need to be aware of the implementation
Also missing was a statement that many time carving up a monolith is much easier that producing a cogent microservice strategy from a green field. This is true because often the teams understand the discrete components of the running monolith better than they can guess at the full component set of a new effort.
First 2 chapters are highly referenced - I appreciate that but would also want a place where I could get to all the links - Would that be made available?
Page 57 - Solution Architecture may
Page 69 - Might be a good use of a pivot from the seemingly simple question of "how to properly size microservices" into an adjustment 'how to properly scope" microservices scope = size (functional footprint) + boundaries (concept footprint)
Page 69 - was the value of not sharing covered previously? If so was the value of duplication as a desireable pattern covered? I forget...
Page 70 - The answer is 42 could use a Douglas Adams Hitchhikers Guide to the galaxy footnote.
Page 70 - Just saw the handling of the first note on size and pivoting to scope - Nice!
Page 70/71 - Brings up a reason to advocate for share nothing implementations - the New York developer building an app used in Cairo might also highlight the need for a regionally focused implementation that does NOT share an implementation across teams i.e. US accounting tax calc and Egypt accounting tax calc as seperate Microservices
Page 72 - Typo "The Microwervice Way"
Page 79 - The text refers to hiding implemntation details - in my experience this

##Product Focus:## Too tight of connection to a product will corrupt the ability to go broader - if we tie to product we MUST assume that we will be targeting mainly existing customers and a small set of future customers. This mean the targets CANNOT be external pipeline or contact metrics but must be tied to Customer Satisfaction (NPS), Customer Retention, and Improvements to Product.

##Targeted Comms and Collateral:## We need to come up with a solid message of how we add value in MAS even if we have limited conversion to MAG. This means we need to understand the underlying SKU upgrade price to MAG and understand how to influence upgrade decisions and sales support. Without solid sales support we will struggle as an upgrade is too small to work on for most sales folks looking to retire quota - may need accelerated quota retirement for a time.

We should agree on a solid Problem/Solution Fit message for MAS. There needs to be a better set of understood and expressible use cases (With Code Samples) to dis

If you seek to plot out all your moves before you make them — if you put your faith in slow, deliberative planning in the hopes it will spare you failure down the line — well, you’re deluding yourself. For one thing, it’s easier to plan derivative work — things that copy or repeat something already out there. So if your primary goal is to have a fully worked out, set-in-stone plan, you are only upping your chances of being unoriginal. Moreover, you cannot plan your way out of problems. While planning is very important, and we do a lot of it, there is only so much you can control in a creative environment. In general, I have found that people who pour their energy into thinking about an approach and insisting that it is too early to act are wrong just as often as people who dive in and work quickly. The overplanners just take longer to be wrong (and, when things inevitably go awry, are more crushed by the feeling that they have failed). There’s a corollary to this, as well: The more time you spend mapping out
I ran into this error while trying to run a Python program within Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Virtual Machine (VM).
Here is the code section
''' python
import firebase_admin
from firebase_admin import credentials
from firebase_admin import firestore
I received this error when running -