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Ignasi Bartomeus ibartomeus

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ibartomeus / is.invasive.R
Created November 23, 2012 15:11
This function check which species (both plants and animals) are considered "invaders" somewhere in the world.
#This function check which species (both plants and animals) are considered "invaders" somewhere in the
# world. For that end, it checks GISD ( and returns a value, either
#"Not invasive" or the brief description presented in GISD. Note that the webpage contains more
#information. Also note that the function won't tell you if it's exotic in your area, a lot of exotic
#species are not considered invaders (yet). As expected, the function is as good as the database is, which
#I find quite reliable and well maintained. The database is also able to recognize a lot (but not all) of
#who are the pollinators? (a plot)
#enter data manually
d <- matrix(nrow = 6, ncol = 7)
d[,1] <- c(20.000, 10, 10, 10, 200.000, 100)
d[,2] <- c(6.000, 4, 8, 9, 100.000, 20)
d[,3] <- c(14.500, 6, 4, 9, 80.000, 4)
d[,4] <- c(30.000, 7, 2, 7, 50.000, 3)
d[,5] <- c(0.328, 10, 2, 3, 1.000, 5)
ibartomeus / PollinationLandscape
Last active December 14, 2015 02:19
Plot the quantity/quality pollination landscapes for tomato bee visitors in R. Inspired in Pedro Jordano's lab work (Schupp EW, Jordano P, Gómez JM (2010) New Phytol 188:333–353)
#manually enter data
d <- data.frame(
Bee_group = c("Bombus", "Dark", "Green", "Lasioglossum"),
Efficiency = c(106.86207, 81.50000, 80.66667, 59.27586),
Eff_SE = c(15.56551, 20.12130, 17.97529, 12.25689),
Visitation = c(2.8333333, 0.2222222, 2.2222222, 5.6666667),
Visit_SE = c(0.8333333, 0.1008317, 0.7119684, 1.0966378)
#create a grid with value x (visitation), y (efficiency) and z = x*y.
ibartomeus / multifunc2
Created November 1, 2013 09:31
This approach to assess multi-functionality is based in the idea that sites providing best multiple functions will have not only a high mean value across function (approach 3 in Byrnes et al.) but also low variability in the function delivered across functions (i.e. Coef of var). It assumes you have read Byrnes et al paper (…
# This approach to assess multifunctionality is based in the idea that sites providing
# best multiple functions will have not only a high mean value across function
# (approach 3 in Byrnes et al.) but also low variability in the function delivered
# across functions (i.e. Coef of var).
#I use Byrnes multifunc package to ilustrate it.
install_github("multifunc", "jebyrnes")
title: "Preferring a preference index"
author: "I. Bartomeus"
output: html_document
I've been reading about preference indexes lately, speciphically for characterizing pollinator preferences for plants, so here is what I learnt. Preference is defined as using an item (e.g. plant) more than expected given the item abundance.
First I like to use a quantitative framework (you can use ranks-based indices as in Williams et al 2011, which has nice propiertiest too). The simpliest quantitative index is the forage ratio:
ibartomeus / random_slope_models
Created January 21, 2015 14:31
This shows how to get the random slopes and CI's for each level in a hierarchical model
#This shows how to get the random slopes and CI's for each level in a hierarchical model
#dataset used
#what we want to investigate
#Is there a general relationship? and how it differs by species
plot(iris$Sepal.Width ~ iris$Petal.Width, col = iris$Species, las =1)
#Our model with random slope and intercept
#Explore CIS data
#load data----
ibartomeus / PowerSevilla.R
Created October 16, 2015 14:55
Talk about power analtsis for the Sevilla R users meeting
#SevillaR talk
#The problem:
time <- c(2000:2015)
abundance <- rnorm(16, 150, 50) #poison??
plot(abundance ~ time, t = "l")
#can I detect a trend?
ibartomeus / ggplot
Created November 6, 2015 15:53
Código charlas SevillaR ggplot (Raúl Ortiz)
title: "Sevillarusers - ggplot2 intro"
author: "Ra?l Ortiz"
date: "Tuesday, October 27, 2015"
output: pdf_document
# Introducci?n al paquete gr?fico "ggplot2".
## Establezco el directorio de trabajo.
ibartomeus / clean_species
Last active January 23, 2017 08:34
Cleaning species taxonomy using taxize. I want to correct synonyms and typo's and drop incomplete cases.
#I have >1000 bees to check its name, so I want to automatize taxize for
# fixing misspellings when possible
# updating synonims to accepted names
# keeping ONLY accepted species (fully resolved at species level)
# this uses taxize > If you are using older version (e.g. what its now on CRAN) see the history of this file.
#example: good, synomin, typo, unexisting, genus only.