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class InterviewController {
public function assignInterview($interviewId) {
$interview = $this→interviewManager→getInterview($interviewId);
return [“status” => “Success”];
Scenario: Wanted - Knownledge of dependencies dependencies.
Given I depend on "" version 4.3
And "" version 4.3 depends on "" version 1.0
When I install dependencies
Then I will have "" version 1.0
And I will have "" version 4.3
Scenario: Actual - Knownledge of dependencies dependencies.
Given I depend on "" version 4.3
And "" version 4.3 depends on "" version 1.0
func main() {
conn, err := amqp.DialConfig("XXXX",
Heartbeat: time.Second,
Properties: amqp.Table{
"connection.blocked" : false,
blockings := conn.NotifyBlocked(make(chan amqp.Blocking))
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
app: repositories-service
name: repositories-service
namespace: talenthunt
type: NodePort
Given I have the following products:
| Name | Price | Description |
| X | 12.23 | A bottle of X |
| Y | 12.33 | A bottle of X |
| Z | 12.43 | A bottle of Y |
And I have put 3 items of product "X" in my basket
When I goto my basket
Then I should have 3 items of product "X"
And I should have a basket value of 36.69
class Transfer
public $field;
class Sender
protected $esp;

Schokolade Schlammkuchen mit Erdnussbutter.


Schicht 2X

  • 100g Zartbitter Schokolade
  • 110g Weizenmehl 405
  • 30g Kakao
  • 200g Butter
icambridge / gist:7071555
Last active December 26, 2015 01:29
A simple break down of for loops

Understanding for loops

the basic syntax of a for loop goes

for ($var = 0; $var < 10; $var++) {
    // do stuff
icambridge / gist:4587114
Created January 21, 2013 16:14
Quick gist of adding new nodes to a load balancer.
import org.jclouds.loadbalancer.domain.LoadBalancerMetadata
import org.jclouds.rackspace.cloudloadbalancers.CloudLoadBalancersApi
import org.jclouds.rackspace.cloudloadbalancers.CloudLoadBalancersAsyncApi
import org.jclouds.rackspace.cloudloadbalancers.domain.NodeRequest
val nova = loadBalance.getContext.unwrap.asInstanceOf[RestContext[CloudLoadBalancersApi, CloudLoadBalancersAsyncApi]]
val nodeApi = nova.getApi.getNodeApiForZoneAndLoadBalancer(zone,id.toInt)
icambridge / gist:4454572
Created January 4, 2013 17:56
Shows that the variable created within the scope of the begin end isn't destoryed after the loop.
people = ['one','two','three','four']
counter = 0;
person = people[counter]
puts person
counter = counter + 1
end while not people[counter].nil?