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let future: Box<dyn Future<Item = (), Error = ()>> = Box::new(
.connect(&addr, "localhost")?
.map_err(|e| error!("failed to connect: {}", e))
.and_then(move |conn: quinn::NewClientConnection| {
debug!("Connection established");
Self::handle_new_client_connection(conn, start).map_err(|e| {
error!("Error handling client connection: {}", e);
Running `/home/icefox/tmp/crayon/target/debug/prefab`
thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: ErrorMessage { msg: "[ManifestLoader] MAGIC number not match." }
stack backtrace:
0: 0x559a52b145d5 - backtrace::backtrace::libunwind::trace::hedbacbb69d9af51a
at /home/icefox/.cargo/registry/src/
- backtrace::backtrace::trace::h9e723fd3f0c05b35
at /home/icefox/.cargo/registry/src/
1: 0x559a52b0e94e - backtrace::capture::Backtrace::new_unresolved::hb15448ccca32dbee
at /home/icefox/.cargo/registry/src/
//! Basic hello world example.
extern crate ggez;
extern crate rand;
use ggez::conf;
use ggez::event;
use ggez::graphics::{self, Image};
use ggez::{Context, GameResult};
use std::env;
//! Basic hello world example.
extern crate cgmath;
extern crate ggez;
extern crate rand;
use ggez::conf;
use ggez::event;
use ggez::filesystem;
use ggez::graphics::{self, Image};
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
background_square = np.random.normal(3, 1.0, 10000).reshape((100,100))
# See background
plt.imshow(background_square, interpolation='nearest')
# Define a line
y = lambda x: x * 0.3 + 20
[13:43:20][logging][TRACE] Creating ggez context.
[13:43:20][ggez::filesystem][TRACE] Resources path: "/home/icefox/my.src/ggez/ggez/target/debug/examples/resources"
[13:43:20][ggez::filesystem][TRACE] No resources zip file found
[13:43:20][ggez::filesystem][TRACE] User-local data path: "/home/icefox/.local/share/logging"
[13:43:20][ggez::filesystem][TRACE] User-local configuration path: "/home/icefox/.local/share/logging"
[13:43:20][ggez::graphics::context][DEBUG] Window created.
[13:43:20][ggez::graphics::context][DEBUG] Asked for OpenGL 3.2 Core, vsync: true
[13:43:20][ggez::graphics::context][DEBUG] Actually got: OpenGL 3.2 Core, vsync: VSync
[13:43:20][ggez::graphics::context][DEBUG] Window size: 640x480, drawable size: 640x480, DPI: (93.6094, 93.60461, 93.62457)
[13:43:20][ggez::graphics::context][DEBUG] Driver vendor: NVIDIA Corporation, renderer GeForce GTX 660/PCIe/SSE2, version 3.2.0, NVIDIA 390.48, shading language 1.50, NVIDIA via Cg compiler
Description=IPFS server auditd.service
ExecStart=/home/ipfs/bin/ipfs daemon
ExecReload=/bin/kill $MAINPID
Could not parse "ChannelWrapper.webidl": Unrecognized token `Semicolon` found at 224:225
Expected one of ":" or "{"
Could not parse "Window.webidl": Unrecognized token `Semicolon` found at 1183:1184
Expected one of ":" or "{"
Could not parse "XULElement.webidl": Unrecognized token `Semicolon` found at 311:312
Expected one of ":" or "{"
Could not parse "DOMException.webidl": Unrecognized token `Semicolon` found at 606:607
Expected one of ":" or "{"
Could not parse "PaymentResponse.webidl": Unrecognized token `Semicolon` found at 651:652
Expected one of "(", ")", ",", "...", ">", "?", "Identifier", "attribute", "callback", "const", "deleter", "dictionary", "enum", "getter", "implements", "includes", "inherit", "interface", "iterable", "maplike", "namespace", "or", "partial", "required", "setlike", "setter", "static", "stringifier", "typedef" or "unrestricted"
icefox - Yesterday at 3:23 PM
Can you reload train guns via logistics system?
Siber - Yesterday at 3:23 PM
I believe so?
I think arty shells just don't stack very deep
I've not yet gotten to build an artillery gun
I should check to see how far I'm from them with angelbobs, it'd be a useful tool to have
icefox - Yesterday at 3:25 PM
I bet
icefoxen /
Created March 3, 2018 17:26
"Drawing a triangle" from
extern crate ash;
extern crate winit;
use ash::vk;
use ash::{Entry, Instance, Device};
//use ash::Instance;
//use ash::Device;
use ash::version::{ V1_0, EntryV1_0, InstanceV1_0, DeviceV1_0 };