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Scott Lewis iconifyit

Working from home
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iconifyit / google-sheets-autoname
Last active November 26, 2016 01:46
Auto-generate a custom field name using the value of a column and auto-incremented value (Ex: 1.1.001, 1.1.002)
INDIRECT("E2:E" & (ROW())),
) > 99, ".0",
INDIRECT("E2:E" & (ROW())),
iconifyit / Ai-Sessions.js
Last active November 26, 2016 04:30
A JavaScript Extension plugin for Adobe Illustrator to save the names and locations of all open documents to quickly open them at a later time.
#target illustrator
* 1. Place this script in Applications > Adobe Illustrator > Presets > en_US > Scripts
* 2. Restart Adobe Illustrator to activate the script
* 3. The script will be available under menu File > Scripts > Ai_Sessions
* 4. Follow the on-screen prompts
iconifyit / icon-contact-sheet.js
Last active October 11, 2022 07:11
Adobe Illustrator JSX plugin to create a contact sheet from a folder or vector icons.
* Name that script.
#script "Contact Sheet";
#target Illustrator
var originalInteractionLevel = userInteractionLevel;
userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevel.DONTDISPLAYALERTS;
iconifyit / jquery.explainify.js
Created November 26, 2016 04:39
A simple jQuery plugin example.
* @author Scott Lewis
* @date June 4, 2011
* @link
* Just follow the comments in the code to understand what's going on.
* Create an anonymous function to avoid library conflicts
iconifyit / iconset-advanced.php
Created November 26, 2016 16:09
A sample theme for the Iconfinder Portfolio WordPress plugin.
* Provide a public-facing view for the plugin
* This file is used to markup the public-facing aspects of the plugin.
* @link
* @since 1.0.0
* @package Iconfinder_Portfolio
iconifyit / PresetDocumentProfileData.json
Created November 21, 2017 00:52
Adobe Illustrator Document Profiles Preferences
"appSpecificKey": {
"artboardLayout": 0,
"artboardRowsOrCols": 1,
"artboardSpacing": 20,
"bleedOffset": [
iconifyit / build-ruleset.scss
Last active June 20, 2019 11:35
SASS : Dynamically Build Ruleset
@mixin layout($sections, $unit:"%") {
#content {
@each $name, $rules in $sections {
.#{$name} {
@each $key, $value in $rules {
#{$key} : $value
iconifyit / htaccess-ab-test
Last active February 10, 2023 03:09
A/B Testing with htaccess
# ############################### #
# ############################### #
# (1) Check if our cookie is already set.
# If so, redirect to the previously-viewed page.
RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} ab_test_vers=([^;]+)
RewriteRule ^THE-PAGE-BEING-TESTED$ HTTP://YOUR-DOMAIN.COM/tracking/%1 [cookie=ab_test_vers_match:true:YOUR-DOMAIN.COM,L]
iconifyit / wpe-cdn-rewrite-rules
Created February 8, 2019 12:54
WPEngine CDN Rewrite Rules
# =>
#src="*)"# => src="$1"
#src='*)'# => src='$1'
#src="*)"# => src="$1"
#src='*)'# => src='$1'
#href="*)\.css"# => href="$1.css"
#href='*)\.css'# => href='$1.css'