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Ilana Corson icorson3

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- SQL XML created by WWW SQL Designer, -->
<!-- Active URL: -->
<datatypes db="mysql">
<group label="Numeric" color="rgb(238,238,170)">
<type label="Integer" length="0" sql="INTEGER" quote=""/>
<type label="TINYINT" length="0" sql="TINYINT" quote=""/>
<type label="SMALLINT" length="0" sql="SMALLINT" quote=""/>
<type label="MEDIUMINT" length="0" sql="MEDIUMINT" quote=""/>

Personal Branding - Week 1/Module 1

  • Create/update Linkedin
  • Create/update Resume ( is a good resource)
  • Have two Turing peers review (2 for Linkedin, 2 for Resume) and send feedback via Slack by Thursday 12/1
  • Update Linkedin and Resume based on feedback
  • Include peer feedback in the body of the email and attach resume as a PDF
  • Send Linkedin and Resume to Meg via email ( by Friday 12/2 (midnight)
icorson3 / Advanced Enums
Created January 5, 2017 16:08
Post snow day work

Week One - Module 3 Recap

Fork this respository. Answer the questions to the best of your ability. Try to answer them with limited amount of external research. These questions cover the majority of what we've learned this week (which is a TON!).

Note: When you're done, submit a PR.

  1. What is json, what does it stand for, and why is it important?
  2. What kind of object is JSON in Ruby? How do we know it's JSON?
  3. What's the difference between joins and includes in ActiveRecord?
  4. What's an API?
# requires pry, parser, and ast gems
# Running:
#  # running on an individual file (or pass multiple file names in)
#  ruby-rewrite --load 'insert_ruby_params_keyword.rb' -m spec/controllers/api/songs_controller.rb
#  # running on all the file individually. note: if a pry gets triggered you'll see it, but it won't give you
#. # control of the terminal, you'll need to use the previous command on the filed that fails.