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icyveins7 /
Last active June 17, 2024 10:25
Recording some settings for a 1024x600 display with a raspberry pi
# For more options and information see
# Some settings may impact device functionality. See link above for details

# uncomment if you get no picture on HDMI for a default "safe" mode

# uncomment the following to adjust overscan. Use positive numbers if console
# goes off screen, and negative if there is too much border
icyveins7 /
Last active November 12, 2023 15:11
Intel Performance Primitives Mallocs, Aligned memory and Missing Heap Overflows

IPP and N-byte aligned memory

If you are a user of Intel Performance Primitives (or possibly any other library that performs memory allocation for you), then you may have experienced this issue before: Memory leaks due to heap overflows seem to occur randomly, or rather, only very 'large' leaks seem to crash your program and/or trigger the corresponding errors in checkers like Valgrind/AddressSanitizer.

This, it seems, is entirely due to the fact that IPP explicitly in their documentation says that the memory allocated by their functions, ippMalloc, ippsMalloc, ippsMalloc_L and others, are all built to align the data pointers to a 64-byte boundary.

As one may find after a bit of googling, getting memory aligned to a certain byte boundary requires you to allocate more memory than is necessary; specifically, one allocates more memory by that exact byte alignment. For example, if we require 100 bytes aligned to a 64-byte boundary, then we ask the system for (64 + 100) bytes in total.

NOTE: Technicall

icyveins7 /
Last active September 13, 2023 04:17
On the C++ compiler with unused code


The number of posts around this topic are few, and many posts just revert to the 'oh let the compiler handle this'. Some people want to learn what the compiler is doing..

My question started with this: in developing a library I started by using template specializations to prevent 'disallowed' types from working. However, I soon realised that this may have been overkill, and just using simple overloading would have been enough, since I was template specializing for every type allowed anyway.

But then one should begin to ask:

  1. Since templates are supposedly compile-time constructs which only 'generate code' when they are invoked, then the template specializations, when compiled, should have less 'dead' code in them than if a bunch of overloaded functions are used right?
  2. In that case, when do unused overloaded functions get stripped out?
  3. Or more generally, when do unused functions/templates get stripped out?
icyveins7 /
Last active September 10, 2023 14:59
Faiss compilation on windows

Compiled for commit d87888b i.e. 1.7.4

cmake .. -DFAISS_ENABLE_GPU=OFF -DFAISS_ENABLE_PYTHON=OFF -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DFAISS_OPT_LEVEL=generic -DBLA_VENDOR=Intel10_64ilp_seq -DMKL_LIBRARIES=%MKLROOT%\lib\intel64\mkl_core.lib;%MKLROOT%\lib\intel64\mkl_sequential.lib;%MKLROOT%\lib\intel64\mkl_intel_ilp64.lib -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF
icyveins7 /
Last active August 24, 2023 07:03
Monkey patching an offline git repository with submodules

You have a repository on github, with a submodule that points to another of your repos on github.

You pull both, and push them both to your internal/offline github/gitea.

There's an issue when updating the one that requires a submodule: The submodule still has its path pointing to something on github.

  1. Go to .gitmodules and change the url to your internal github/gitea repository for the submodule.
  2. Run git submodule sync in the repo with the submodule
  3. Then you can run git submodule update --remote as per normal.
icyveins7 /
Last active November 20, 2023 03:06
Timing Cupy Code

Pre compute capability 8.0

Just look at this directly.

For compute capability 8.0 and above

Using nsys

This seems like a better replacement for nvprof than ncu. Had to add this to PATH myself to find it though..

icyveins7 /
Last active January 26, 2023 04:04
Dealing with Unix timestamps in Python/C


This gist may be helpful to those who often construct and/or deal with datetimes in different timezones using Unix epoch seconds.

The Somewhat Obscure Problem in Python

There is a distinct difference between the following two snippets of code in Python:

import datetime as dt
icyveins7 /
Last active June 7, 2022 09:50
Cupy Timing Reference


This gist serves to document certain cupy calls and the wall-clock timings associated with them. For each code snippet (usually timed simply by %%timeit), the corresponding timing output will be provided. For most/all calls, -n 100 is added because the processing time taken increases exponentially when the GPU is flooded with too many loops from %%timeit (not sure why, but probably tries to queue too many kernel calls together).

Yes, wall-clock time is not the correct way to measure GPU processing times, but usually when control switches between the interpreter back and forth, this is the more 'reasonable' time to look at.

Windows 10, Ryzen 5 1600X, GTX 1080, cupy-cuda112 (9.2.0)


icyveins7 /
Last active November 21, 2023 05:16
Git Pull on Multiple Folders

Who This Is For

If you're like me, you have some (or most) of your github repositories stored in some parent folder like ~/gitrepos. Sometimes you want to just update multiple repositories together without having to git pull each one individually. Hopefully this will help you.

Setting It Up

First off, SSH access is required for private repos, so we'll assume you have this set up already. Github has enough documentation to cover this.

If your keys are password locked (as they should be), you should run


icyveins7 /
Last active November 2, 2021 06:55
Building FALCON with your own Boost Tested on 1.3.0 release source tar.gz. Tested with 3.15.0 UHD/1.72.0 Boost.

In order to use your own self-built UHD + self-built Boost, simply attach the similar CMake variables in cmake-gui when prompted, for both UHD and Boost.

However, the boost includes are not properly set up when the generation of makefiles is done. So during the build, for any files that error on boost includes, open the corresponding flags.make file and append the boost directory yourself accordingly. The following files were the culprits for me:

  1. build/srsLTE-build/lib/src/phy/rf/CMakeFiles/srslte_rf.dir/flags.make (add to both C_INCLUDES and CXX_INCLUDES)
  2. build/src/gui/model/CMakeFiles/model.dir/flags.make