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Idan Gazit idan

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idan / _more.scss
Created June 6, 2011 08:40
More is Less
$less-column-width: 68px;
$less-gutter-width: 24px;
@function column-width($columns) {
@return ($less-column-width * $columns) + ($less-gutter-width * ($columns - 1));
@function grid-padding-px($columns) {
@if $columns == 10 {
@return 48px;
idan / gist:3890040
Created October 14, 2012 22:43
Why Sucks

For reasons passing understanding, has the most brain-dead approach to serving up webfonts, making each weight in a family its own family. On the face of things, that doesn't seem so bad, right?


Imagine that you're using two actually distinct families, say, Helvetica Neue and its lovely condensed cousin. For each family, you use two weights, plus maybe an italic cut. Now we have:

  • Helvetica Neue Light
  • Helvetica Neue Light Italic
  • Helvetica Neue Medium
  • Helvetica Neue Medium Italic
idan /
Created May 26, 2013 20:15
Hybrid Impostor Syndrome

I'm a hybrid designer/developer, but I socialize with more developers than designers—at conferences, online, etc. I have a very specific form of impostor syndrome. I think it might be instructive when examining impostor syndrome, in the same way that optical illusions can be instructive when examining the workings of perception.

I am not a rockstar designer. Or, for that matter, developer. Or anything, really. I am talented, and I feel that I could be a badass at something. Looking around me at tech conferences and our erstwhile online communities, I think this is a feeling that a lot of us share. We're all looking for that outlet, that thing that we would be a game-changer at doing. In our heads, we fantasize about being some kind of Michael Jordan of X, or maybe something with less glamor. A savant-like rain-man at content marketing, or scalable API design, or documentation, or low-latency concurrent network development, or whatever it is that we think we like doing.

As a designer at developer conference

idan / gist:793789
Created January 24, 2011 19:34
Google Docs Companywide Sharing

Sharing the document with "People at <my domain> can find and view" permission:

  • will make it possible for users to search for the document in Google Docs If the user knows the name or part of the name of the document, he can enter it in the Search field at the top of the Google Docs view and click on 'Search <my domain> Docs', If the user doesn't know the name, he can click on 'Show search options' to find other ways to find the document.
  • will add the document to users' Docs view once opened (under 'All Items' and 'Opened by me')
  • to avoid users' Google Docs view to be overflown by files they do not need, the file created by another user will not appear in the Google Docs view until searched and opened.

If you would like the document to appear in the user's Google Docs view without the user having to search for it first, you will need to share the document with him on an individual basis or with a group he is part of.

A quick way to do so is to add the document to a folder shared with the user. For mo

idan / gist:2692246
Created May 14, 2012 06:40
Github API v3 regression: unable to get commits by partial SHA
~ » curl -iI ~
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.0.13
Date: Mon, 14 May 2012 06:37:00 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Connection: keep-alive
Status: 200 OK
X-RateLimit-Limit: 5000
ETag: "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 4990
idan / Default (OSX).sublime-keymap
Created October 27, 2011 17:51
Sublime Text asymmetric layout - place files in Packages/User
"keys": ["super+alt+shift+5"],
"command": "set_layout",
"caption" : "1-2 Grid",
"cols": [0.0, 0.5, 1.0],
"rows": [0.0, 0.5, 1.0],
idan /
Last active February 8, 2016 15:14
My fish config. I was using oh-my-fish but it seems to introduce a bunch of bugginess.
if not set -q AUTOENVFISH_FILE
# Automatic env loading
function _autoenvfish --on-variable PWD
if status --is-command-substitution # doesn't work with 'or', inexplicably
idan / _colors.scss
Created January 29, 2014 00:41
Flat UI colors
// Colors from
$color-turquoise: #1abc9c;
$color-green-sea: #16a085;
$color-emerland: #2ecc71;
$color-nephritis: #27ae60;
$color-peter-river: #3498db;
$color-belize-hole: #2980b9;
$color-amethyst: #9b59b6;
$color-wisteria: #8e44ad;
$color-wet-asphalt: #34495e;
idan / .slate
Created January 25, 2014 09:30
Idan's Slate Config
# Idan's ~/.slate
# I don't even know what these do but they came in the default. Might not need 'em
config defaultToCurrentScreen true
config nudgePercentOf screenSize
config resizePercentOf screenSize
# Shows app icons and background apps, spreads icons in the same place.
config windowHintsShowIcons true
config windowHintsIgnoreHiddenWindows false
idan / gist:8296699
Last active January 2, 2016 11:29
PyCon and Passover

I love PyCon. And until 2016, I can’t go, because the organizers failed to open a calendar before scheduling the conference in conflict with Passover—for two years running.

This is the story of how a large population was casually excluded from an event that [assigns so much value to being inclusive][CoC]. I say “casually” because it has been almost an entire year since the organizers were made aware of their failure, and they haven’t communicated publicly about it once—not to own up to the problem, and not to take steps to prevent it from happening again. Given the swift actions following incidents ([1][pyconincident1], [2][pyconincident2], [donglegate][donglegate]) at PyCon, it’s hard to feel that this failure is being treated with any kind of gravity when it escapes mention for so long, so it’s time to speak up.

Before I dive into the details, I’d like to stress that I have no personal animus with the organizers, and any suggestions of malice or (sigh) “antisemitism” on their part are simply unfou