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>>> a = [1, 2, 3]
>>> b = [4, 5, 6]
>>> b = a + b
>>> b
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
* © 2012 Simple Finance Technology Corp. All rights reserved.
* Author: Ian Eure <>
package com.simple.zatoichi
import com.simple.simplespec.Spec
import org.junit.Test
(defvar upside-down-alist
'((?a . ?ɐ)
(?b . ?q)
(?c . ?ɔ)
(?d . ?p)
(?e . ?ǝ)
(?f . ?ɟ)
(?g . ?ƃ)
(?h . ?ɥ)
(?i . ?ı)
(defun python-find-python-command (&optional root)
"Return the python interpreter to use for ROOT."
(let ((env-root (local-path
(or root default-directory) "bin/python"))))
(or (when env-root (concat env-root "bin/python"))
(defun python-find-project-root (&optional start)
The rewriter is a helpful addon. It is rewriting the words from the word
list by certain rules and enqueues them to the word buffer. To enable
the rewriter use -r and to set up your rules -l:
sucrack -r -l AFL wordlist.txt
Here is an overview over the rules:
rule description original rewritten
(defroutes listing-routes
(GET "/user/:user-uuid" [user-uuid]
(list-assets user-uuid)))
(defn wrap-dump-req [handler]
(fn [req]
(prn req)
(handler req)))
(defroutes main-routes
* __ __
* /.-' `-.\
* // \\
* /j_______________j\
* /o.-==-. .-. .-==-.o\
* || )) (( ||
* \\____// \\____//
* `-==-' `-==-'
ieure / pdl-org.el
Created January 4, 2012 19:08 — forked from plathrop/pdl-org.el
(defun pdl-agenda ()
"Switch to my agenda, regenerating it in the process."
(prog1 org-agenda-buffer-name
(if (get-buffer org-agenda-buffer-name)
(org-agenda nil "a")
ieure /
Created December 13, 2011 21:57
function up ()
if [ "$1" != "" -a "$2" != "" ]; then
local DIR=$1
local TARGET=$2
elif [ "$1" ]; then
local DIR=$PWD
local TARGET=$1
while [ ! -e $DIR/$TARGET -a $DIR != "/" ]; do