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Dogs are dogs

Ievgen Kasian ievgenk

Dogs are dogs
  • Den Haag, NL
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ievgenk / gist:ec3be69137b33b94a3d886c032073d9e
Created February 9, 2018 03:52
Event Listener Drills Jquery
ievgenk / txt
Created March 12, 2018 21:55
Adopt a Paw!
My app will help users to conviniently find a dog for adoption near them and provide more information about the breed that they have chosen.
ievgenk / gist:281534a79826ad2817fb54bebd4161d8
Created March 19, 2018 17:39
User Feedback in Re: Adopt-A-Paw
My fellow stundets' and mentors' feedback was really useful and mostly completely implemented in the most recent updated that
was pushed to GitHub.
* Address field is now required, in order to avoid app crashing
* Added an option to choose both male and female dogs, instead of forcing user to pick either or
*Fixed AJAX spinner, it now disables properly after the completion of AJAX request
ievgenk / gist:40d0884b4b96ee9e6260dc228289e685
Created April 12, 2018 18:30
Request / Respond Drills!/planet-wrench!/lyrical-heart!/ruby-hill
(1) db.restaurants.find({}).pretty()
(2) db.restaurants.find({}).limit(10).sort({'name':1}).pretty()
(3) db.restaurants.find({_id:ObjectId("59074c7c057aaffaafb10acb")}).pretty()
(4) db.restaurants.find({borough:'Queens'}).pretty()
(5) db.restaurants.find({}).count()
(6) db.restaurants.find({'address.zipcode':'11206'})
(7) db.restaurants.deleteOne({_id : ObjectId("59074c7c057aaffaafb0da96")})
(8) db.restaurants.updateOne({"_id" : ObjectId("59074c7c057aaffaafb0da88")},{$set:{name:"Bizz Bar Bang"}})
(9) db.restaurants.updateMany({'address.zipcode': '10035'},{$set: {'address.zipcode': '10036'}});
ievgenk / gist:6b3d3736f62402c01760eccdd688fd22
Created May 14, 2018 04:23
User Stories for Build A Budget
# User Stories
* As a user, I should be able to create an accout.
* As a user, I should be able to log-in.
* As a user, I should be able add money that I would like to budget.
* As a user, I should be able create new categories and sub-categories for my budget.
* As a user, I should be able to allocate money across all of the created categories.
* As a user, I should be able to add expenses.
* As a user, I should be able to delete expenses.
* As a user, I should be able view how was spent per category in a given period of time.
ievgenk / gist:384475c6492036e9727168409ef9f49d
Created May 17, 2018 16:41
MVP User stories / screens
# MVP User Stories
* As an authetcated user I should be able to select the month/year that I am budgeting for.
* As an authetcated user, I should be able set the income for the month that I am budgeting for.
* As an authetcated user, I should be able create new categories and sub-categories of transactions for my budget.
* As an authetcated user, I should be able to set the dollar amount for a particular sub-category.
* As an authetcated user, I should be able to add expense transactions that include the sub-category and dollar amount and the name.
* As an authetcated user, I should be able to delete expense transactions.
Upon user feedback I have some of ui features needed to bre re-arranged for easier navigation around the application.
As well as corrected several spacing and spelling mistakes.
Stateles component solution =!/elegant-boot?path=src/components/navigation-bar.js:19:8
Statefull component solution =!/pebble-crab?path=src/components/address-book.js:31:43