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Last active September 18, 2017 09:13
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"cells": [
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"source": "// A coffee example\n\ndef c1_1_2() {\n case class CreditCard(id: String)\n \n case class Charge(cc: CreditCard, amount: Double) {\n def combine(other: Charge): Charge = \n if (cc == Charge(cc, amount + other. amount)\n else throw new Exception(\"Can't combine charges to different cards\")\n \n def doCharge() {\n println(s\"\"\"Charge $amount dollars to credit card \"${}\".\"\"\")\n }\n }\n \n case class Coffee(price: Int)\n \n class Cafe {\n def buyCoffee(cc: CreditCard): (Coffee, Charge) = {\n val cup = new Coffee(10)\n (cup, Charge(cc, cup.price))\n }\n \n def buyCoffees(cc: CreditCard, n: Int): (List[Coffee], Charge) = {\n var purchars: List[(Coffee, Charge)] = List.fill(n)(buyCoffee(cc))\n val (coffees, charges) = purchars.unzip\n (coffees, charges.reduce((c1, c2) => c1.combine(c2)))\n }\n \n def coalesce(charges: List[Charge]): List[Charge] = {\n charges.groupBy( combine _)).toList\n }\n }\n \n val cafe = new Cafe()\n val aliceCreditCard = CreditCard(\"Alice\")\n val bobCreditCard = CreditCard(\"Bob\")\n val (_, firstCharge) = cafe.buyCoffees(aliceCreditCard, 10)\n val (_, secondCharge) = cafe.buyCoffees(bobCreditCard, 20)\n val (_, thirdCharge) = cafe.buyCoffees(aliceCreditCard, 30)\n val combinedCharges = cafe.coalesce(List(firstCharge, secondCharge, thirdCharge))\n println(combinedCharges)\n \n combinedCharges.foreach(_.doCharge)\n}\n\nc1_1_2()",
"execution_count": 1,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"text": "List(Charge(CreditCard(Bob),200.0), Charge(CreditCard(Alice),400.0))\nCharge 200.0 dollars to credit card \"Bob\".\nCharge 400.0 dollars to credit card \"Alice\".\n",
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