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ikurni / etcd-perf-check
Last active September 6, 2021 20:25
ETCD Performance Check
### Performance check command from etcd pod
# oc rsh <etcd-pod> -n openshift-etcd
$ etcdctl check perf --load="m"
$ etcdctl check perf --load='l'
$ etcdctl --write-out=table endpoint status
$ etcdctl --write-out=table endpoint health
$ etcdctl --write-out=table member list
### Collect metrics from the cluster.
ikurni / pods-imagepullbackoff-auth-required
Created May 4, 2021 06:48
Pods Error ImagePullBackOff - Authentication Required
### Most probably is caused by different pull secret that is being used by serviceaccount to pull the images ###
### Edit imagePullSecret which is used by serviceaccount ###
oc edit sa <serviceaccountname>
# Edit below section
apiVersion: v1
- name: jenkins-dockercfg-8nln8 #change to available pullsecrets which can be used to pull from image-registry#
# Save the config #
ikurni / pods-stuck-in-terminating
Created April 27, 2021 16:03
Delete pods stuck in terminating
### Step 1
oc delete pod <podsname> -n myproject --grace-period=0 --force
### Step 2
oc edit pod <podsname>
#Remove deletionTimestamp
#Before: deletionTimestamp: 2019-12-31T11:40:28Z
#After: deletionTimestamp: null
#Remove Finalizers
ikurni / haproxy-set-headers-redirect-https
Last active October 12, 2021 15:07
HAProxy Replace URL Headers and Redirect HTTPS to HTTP
### Create SSL file for HTTPS traffic
mkdir /etc/haproxy/ssl
cat /root/ /root/ >> /root/
mv /root/ /etc/haproxy/ssl/
### Configure HAProxy.cfg to accept HTTPS, redirect HTTPS to HTTP and replace header to targeted URL
vi /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
ikurni / enable-rook-ceph-tools
Created March 9, 2021 03:41
Enable Rook Ceph Tools in OCS 4+
### Run below command to enable rook-ceph-tools in OCS Cluster
oc patch OCSInitialization ocsinit -n openshift-storage --type json --patch '[{ "op": "replace", "path": "/spec/enableCephTools", "value": true }]'
ikurni / manually-remove-OCS-openshift
Last active March 9, 2021 03:05
How to Manually remove OCS Cluster from Openshift
### In order to remove OCS Cluster manually, when resources are stucked, need to patch the resources manually as below :
[root@ocpbastion ~]# oc patch -n openshift-stroage crd/ --type=merge -p '{"metadata": {"finalizers":null}}' patched
[root@ocpbastion ~]# oc patch -n openshift-stroage crd/ --type=merge -p '{"metadata": {"finalizers":null}}' patched
[root@ocpbastion ~]# oc patch -n openshift-stroage crd/ --type=merge -p '{"metadata": {"finalizers":null}}' patched
[root@ocpbastion ~]# oc patch -n openshift-stroage crd/ --type=merge -p '{"metadata": {"finalizers":null}}' patched
ikurni / verify-ssl-cert-key
Created January 29, 2021 07:12
Verify SSL Cert with Key Pair
# How do I verify that a private key matches a certificate?
# To verify that a private key matches its certificate you need to compare the modulus of the certificate against the modulus of the private key.
#Please follow the below command to view the modulus of the certificate.
openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in server.crt | openssl md5
#Now you will receive the modulus something like a77c7953ea5283056a0c9ad75b274b96
#Please follow the below command to view the modulus of the private key.
ikurni / list-cf-source
Created January 28, 2021 10:22
Red Hat Cloudforms Source of Guidance
ikurni / debug-failed-to-run-pods
Created January 28, 2021 10:19
Debug Failed to run Pods
#To Debug/run pods without interrupted by Kubernetes Health check process, do :
oc debug dc/dc-name
oc debug deplyoment/deployment-name
ikurni / run_container_as_root
Created January 11, 2021 14:51
Run Openshift Container as root
### To run Openshift container as root, need to do below command :
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z default -n my-project-namespace
oc edit deployment/my-apps-deploy
### Find the securityContext line, and edit :
### securityContext:
### runAsUser: 0