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Интерпретатор бестипового лямбда-исчисления на шаблонах С++
/// Kernel definitions
template <char Var> struct Ref;
template <char Var, class Exp> struct Lam;
template <class Fun, class Arg> struct App;
struct NullEnv;
template <char Var, class Env> struct Lookup;
template <char Var, class Val, class Env> struct Bind;
template <char Var>
struct Lookup<Var, NullEnv>;
template <class Env>
struct Lookup<0, Env>;
template <char Var, class Val, class Env>
struct Lookup<Var, Bind<Var, Val, Env>>
typedef Val result;
template <char Var, char OtherVar, class Val, class Env>
struct Lookup<Var, Bind<OtherVar, Val, Env>>
typedef typename Lookup<Var, Env>::result result;
template <class Abs, class Env> struct Closure;
template <class Exp, class Env> struct Eval;
template <class Fun, class Arg> struct Apply;
template <char Var, class Env>
struct Eval<Ref<Var>, Env>
typedef typename Lookup<Var, Env>::result value;
template <char Var, class Exp, class Env>
struct Eval<Lam<Var, Exp>, Env>
typedef Closure<Lam<Var, Exp>, Env> value;
template <class Fun, class Arg, class Env>
struct Eval<App<Fun, Arg>, Env>
typedef typename Apply<typename Eval<Fun, Env>::value,
typename Eval<Arg, Env>::value>::result value;
template <char Var, class Exp, class Env, class Arg>
struct Apply<Closure<Lam<Var, Exp>, Env>, Arg>
typedef typename Eval<Exp, Bind<Var, Arg, Env>>::value result;
/// Macroexpand : Kernel
template <class Exp> struct Expand;
template <class Exp, class Env>
struct Compute
typedef typename Eval<typename Expand<Exp>::result, Env>::value value;
template <char Var>
struct Expand<Ref<Var>>
typedef Ref<Var> result;
template <char Var, class Exp>
struct Expand<Lam<Var, Exp>>
typedef Lam<Var, typename Expand<Exp>::result> result;
template <class Fun, class Arg>
struct Expand<App<Fun, Arg>>
typedef App<typename Expand<Fun>::result,
typename Expand<Arg>::result> result;
/// Macroexpand : Variadic abstraction
template <char... Vars> struct Args;
template <class Args, class Exp> struct Lam_;
template <char Var, class Exp>
struct Expand<Lam_<Args<Var>, Exp>>
typedef typename Expand<Lam<Var, Exp>>::result result;
template <char Var, char... Vars, class Exp>
struct Expand<Lam_<Args<Var, Vars...>, Exp>>
typedef Lam<Var, typename Expand<Lam_<Args<Vars...>, Exp>>::result> result;
/// Macroexpand : Variadic application : Ref-list
struct Nil;
template <class First, class Rest> struct RefList;
template <char... Vars> struct ToRefList_s;
template <char Var>
struct ToRefList_s<Var>
typedef RefList<Ref<Var>, Nil> result;
template <char Var, char... Vars>
struct ToRefList_s<Var, Vars...>
typedef RefList<Ref<Var>, typename ToRefList_s<Vars...>::result> result;
template <class... Exps> struct ToRefList_i;
template <class Exp>
struct ToRefList_i<Exp>
typedef RefList<Exp, Nil> result;
template <class Exp, class... Exps>
struct ToRefList_i<Exp, Exps...>
typedef RefList<Exp, typename ToRefList_i<Exps...>::result> result;
/// Macroexpand : Variadic application : Ref-list processing
template <class Apps, class RefList> struct App_wrap;
template <class A, class D, class R>
struct App_wrap<Nil, RefList<A, RefList<D, R>>>
typedef typename App_wrap<App<A, D>, R>::result result;
template <class Apps, class A>
struct App_wrap<Apps, RefList<A, Nil>>
typedef typename App_wrap<App<Apps, A>, Nil>::result result;
template <class Apps, class A, class D>
struct App_wrap<Apps, RefList<A, D>>
typedef typename App_wrap<App<Apps, A>, D>::result result;
template <class Apps>
struct App_wrap<Apps, Nil>
typedef Apps result;
/// Macroexpand : Variadic application : Actual implementation
template <char... Exps> struct App_s;
template <class... Exps> struct App_i;
template <char... Exps>
struct Expand<App_s<Exps...>>
typedef typename Expand<
typename App_wrap<Nil,
typename ToRefList_s<Exps...>::result
>::result result;
template <class... Exps>
struct Expand<App_i<Exps...>>
typedef typename Expand<
typename App_wrap<Nil,
typename ToRefList_i<Exps...>::result
>::result result;
/// Foreign term injection
template <class T> struct Inj;
template <class T, class Env>
struct Eval<Inj<T>, Env>
typedef T value;
template <class T>
struct Expand<Inj<T>>
typedef Inj<T> result;
/// Lazy If for recursive definitions
template <class Cond, class Then, class Else> struct If;
template <class Cond, class Then, class Else>
struct Expand<If<Cond, Then, Else>>
typedef typename Expand<
App_i<Cond, Lam< 0 , Then>,
Lam< 0 , Else>,
Lam<'u', Ref<'u'>> >
>::result result;
/// Churchifier
template <unsigned int N, char f, char x> struct Church_Inner;
template <unsigned int N>
struct Church
typedef Lam_<Args<'f', 'x'>,
typename Church_Inner<N, 'f', 'x'>::result > num;
template <char f, char x>
struct Church_Inner<0, f, x>
typedef Ref<x> result;
template <unsigned int N, char f, char x>
struct Church_Inner
typedef App<Ref<f>, typename Church_Inner<N - 1, f, x>::result> result;
#define MakeChurch(n) typename Church<n>::num
/// Unchurchifier
struct Zero
static const unsigned int interpretation = 0;
struct Succ;
template <class N>
struct Apply<Succ, N>
typedef struct _ {
static const unsigned int interpretation = N::interpretation + 1;
} result;
typedef Lam<'n', App_i<Ref<'n'>, Inj<Succ>, Inj<Zero>>> Unchurch;
/// Basic arithmetic and logic
// * = λab.λf.a (b f)
typedef Lam_<Args<'a', 'b', 'f'>, App<Ref<'a'>, App_s<'b', 'f'>>> Mul;
// -1 = λn.λfx.n (λgh.h (g f)) (λu.x) (λu.u)
typedef Lam_<Args<'n', 'f', 'x'>,
Lam_<Args<'g', 'h'>, App<Ref<'h'>, App_s<'g', 'f'>>>,
Lam<'u', Ref<'x'>>,
Lam<'u', Ref<'u'>> > > Pred;
// - = λab.(b -1) a
typedef Lam_<Args<'a', 'b'>, App<App<Ref<'b'>, Pred>, Ref<'a'>>> Sub;
// T = λab.a, F = λab.b
typedef Lam_<Args<'a', 'b'>, Ref<'a'>> True;
typedef Lam_<Args<'a', 'b'>, Ref<'b'>> False;
// 0? = λn.n (λu.F) T
typedef Lam<'n', App_i<Ref<'n'>, Lam<'u', False>, True>> EqZero;
// <= = λab.0? (- a b)
typedef Lam_<Args<'a', 'b'>,
App<EqZero, App_i<Sub, Ref<'a'>, Ref<'b'>>> > Leq;
// and = λpq.p q p
typedef Lam_<Args<'p', 'q'>, App_s<'p', 'q', 'p'>> And;
// = = λab.and (<= a b) (<= b a)
typedef Lam_<Args<'a', 'b'>,
App_i<And, App_i<Leq, Ref<'a'>, Ref<'b'>>,
App_i<Leq, Ref<'b'>, Ref<'a'>>> > Eq;
/// Standard library
typedef Bind<'=', Compute<Eq, NullEnv>::value,
Bind<'*', Compute<Mul, NullEnv>::value,
Bind<'-', Compute<Sub, NullEnv>::value,
Bind<'U', Compute<Unchurch, NullEnv>::value,
Bind<'0', Compute<MakeChurch(0), NullEnv>::value,
Bind<'1', Compute<MakeChurch(1), NullEnv>::value,
Bind<'2', Compute<MakeChurch(2), NullEnv>::value,
Bind<'3', Compute<MakeChurch(3), NullEnv>::value,
Bind<'4', Compute<MakeChurch(4), NullEnv>::value,
Bind<'5', Compute<MakeChurch(5), NullEnv>::value,
Bind<'6', Compute<MakeChurch(6), NullEnv>::value,
Bind<'7', Compute<MakeChurch(7), NullEnv>::value,
Bind<'8', Compute<MakeChurch(8), NullEnv>::value,
Bind<'9', Compute<MakeChurch(9), NullEnv>::value,
NullEnv>>>>>>>>>>>>>> StandardLibrary;
/// ///
#include <iostream>
#ifndef ARG
#define ARG 0
int main()
// Y = λf.(λx.f (x x)) (λx.f (x x))
typedef Lam<'f', App<Lam<'x', App<Ref<'f'>, App_s<'x', 'x'>>>,
Lam<'x', App<Ref<'f'>, App_s<'x', 'x'>>>>> Y;
// Z = λf.(λx.f (λy.x x y)) (λx.f (λy.x x y))
typedef Lam<'f', App<Lam<'x', App<Ref<'f'>,
Lam<'y', App_s<'x', 'x', 'y'>>>>,
Lam<'x', App<Ref<'f'>,
Lam<'y', App_s<'x', 'x', 'y'>>>>>> Z;
// F = λfn.if (= n 0) 1
// (* n (f (- n 1)))
typedef Lam_<Args<'f', 'n'>,
If<App_s<'=', 'n', '0'>,
App_i<Ref<'*'>, Ref<'n'>,
App_i<Ref<'f'>, App_s<'-', 'n', '1'>>> > > Fact_gen;
typedef Compute<App<Ref<'U'>,
App_i<Z, Fact_gen, MakeChurch(ARG)> >,
StandardLibrary>::value Result;
std::cout << Result::interpretation;
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