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ilammy/lc.cpp Secret

Last active March 3, 2024 20:07
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Интерпретатор бестипового лямбда-исчисления на шаблонах С++
/// Kernel definitions
template <char Var> struct Ref;
template <char Var, class Exp> struct Lam;
template <class Fun, class Arg> struct App;
struct NullEnv;
template <char Var, class Env> struct Lookup;
template <char Var, class Val, class Env> struct Bind;
template <char Var>
struct Lookup<Var, NullEnv>;
template <char Var, class Val, class Env>
struct Lookup<Var, Bind<Var, Val, Env>>
typedef Val result;
template <char Var, char OtherVar, class Val, class Env>
struct Lookup<Var, Bind<OtherVar, Val, Env>>
typedef typename Lookup<Var, Env>::result result;
template <class Abs, class Env> struct Closure;
template <class Exp, class Env> struct Eval;
template <class Fun, class Arg> struct Apply;
template <char Var, class Env>
struct Eval<Ref<Var>, Env>
typedef typename Lookup<Var, Env>::result value;
template <char Var, class Exp, class Env>
struct Eval<Lam<Var, Exp>, Env>
typedef Closure<Lam<Var, Exp>, Env> value;
template <class Fun, class Arg, class Env>
struct Eval<App<Fun, Arg>, Env>
typedef typename Apply<typename Eval<Fun, Env>::value,
typename Eval<Arg, Env>::value>::result value;
template <char Var, class Exp, class Env, class Arg>
struct Apply<Closure<Lam<Var, Exp>, Env>, Arg>
typedef typename Eval<Exp, Bind<Var, Arg, Env>>::value result;
/// ///
#include <iostream>
int main()
// 1 = λfx.f x
typedef Lam<'f', Lam<'x', App<Ref<'f'>, Ref<'x'>>>> One;
// 2 = λfx.f (f x)
typedef Lam<'f', Lam<'x', App<Ref<'f'>, App<Ref<'f'>, Ref<'x'>>>>> Two;
// + = λab.λfx.a f (b f x)
typedef Lam<'a', Lam<'b', Lam<'f', Lam<'x',
App<App<Ref<'a'>, Ref<'f'>>,
App<App<Ref<'b'>, Ref<'f'>>, Ref<'x'>>>
>>>> Plus;
// Output := (+ 1 2)
typedef Eval<App<App<Plus, One>, Two>, NullEnv>::value Output;
// Э-э-э... А как вывести результат?
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